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The AM and PM peak hour vehicular trips for the proposed projects were developed based on <br /> trip generation rates contained in the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) publication <br /> Trip Generation, 9th Edition. This is a standard reference used by jurisdictions throughout the <br /> country and is based on actual trip generation studies at numerous locations in areas of various <br /> populations. The proposed 305 apartments and 7,520 square feet of retail space would generate <br /> a total of 163 AM peak hour trips (35 trips inbound and 128 trips outbound) and 217 PM peak <br /> hour trips (136 inbound and 81 trips outbound). It should be noted that these figures represent a <br /> conservative, worst-case scenario and do not include any trip reductions for residents and <br /> employees using transit. <br /> The traffic study concluded that traffic from the proposed project would not degrade any of the <br /> major study intersections to LOS E or worse in the near-term nor cumulative/long-term <br /> scenarios. The project driveways are not considered major intersections (as defined by the <br /> General Plan) and, therefore, are not subject to the General Plan's LOS D or better requirement. <br /> However, it is still desirable to have the project driveways operate efficient and safely. The <br /> traffic consultant and City Traffic Engineer found that the project driveways have been designed <br /> to operate efficiently and safely provided a slight modification is made to the eastern Owens <br /> Drive driveway. Staff and the traffic consultant believe that office tenants wishing to enter/exit <br /> the site from Owens Drive would primarily use the eastern Owens Drive driveway as the eastern <br /> drive aisle would provide straight and direct access to the office parking areas. Therefore, the <br /> traffic consultant and the City Traffic Engineer recommend that the eastern Owens Drive <br /> driveway be modified to accommodate additional vehicle queues leaving the site. It is <br /> recommended that the driveway be widened to 37 feet (consisting of one 15-foot wide ingress <br /> lane and two 11-foot wide egress lanes) extending 50 feet into the site as measured from the end <br /> of the driveway radius. A condition of approval addresses this item. A condition of approval <br /> has also been included to address the traffic study's recommendation to maintain the <br /> landscaping at the easterly driveway intersection to avoid sight distance conflicts. <br /> The traffic study recommends that the eastern Owens Drive driveway be monitored after the <br /> project is constructed and the CA Center reaches a typical level of occupancy to determine if <br /> signalization is warranted. The City Traffic Engineer indicated that the City would monitor the <br /> intersection and, should signalization be warranted in the future, it would be installed as a City <br /> project. <br /> The eastern Owens Drive driveway would be changed from a right-turn in/out driveway to a full <br /> access driveway to also allow left-turns in/out. It is anticipated that office tenants wishing to <br /> enter/exit the site from Owens Drive would primarily use this driveway as the eastern drive aisle <br /> would provide straight and direct access to the office parking areas. Given this added traffic, the <br /> City Traffic Engineer recommended that the eastern drive aisle be widened to 26 ft. to match the <br /> width of the other office drive aisles (compared to the 24 ft. drive aisles in the proposed <br /> residential development). This recommendation is reflected in the proposed plans. Given that <br /> this drive aisle would be adjacent to the proposed podium residences, staff believes that a traffic <br /> calming measure should be utilized in order to control/reduce vehicle speeds along this drive <br /> PUD-85-08-I D-4M Page - 15 - March 27, 2013 <br />