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aisle. Staff is recommending that a speed table be installed in the drive aisle where the <br /> pedestrian trail crossing is proposed by the podium building. <br /> Transportation and traffic were also analyzed in the Supplemental Environmental Impact Report <br /> (SEIR) for the Housing Element update and Climate Action Plan General Plan Amendment and <br /> Rezonings (see Environmental Assessment section below for additional discussion). The only <br /> traffic-related mitigation measure requires developers of the potential sites for rezoning to <br /> contribute fair-share funds through the payment of the City of Pleasanton and Tri-Valley <br /> Regional traffic impact fees to help fund future improvements to local and regional roadways. <br /> The project has been conditioned to pay the applicable City and Tri-Valley Regional traffic <br /> impact fees. <br /> Trail Connection <br /> Two pedestrian/bicycle connections would be provided to a future trail along Tassajara Creek. <br /> The Tassajara Creek trail is planned as a Class 1 trail (10-ft. wide paved with a 4-ft. wide <br /> compacted soil/decomposed granite side path) that would extend from the Arroyo Mocho trail at <br /> the south end up to Rosewood Dr./I-580 to the north. Along the CA Center site, the trail would <br /> be located on top of the existing Zone 7 gravel access road on the west side c f the creek. There <br /> is currently no funding for the Tassajara Creek trail. In the meantime, staff asked Zone 7, the <br /> owner of Tassajara Creek, if it would allow public access on the existing gravel access road <br /> along the CA Center site, similar to what was done at the adjacent Archstone Apartment project <br /> and at other creek/arroyo locations in the City. Zone 7 indicated this would be acceptable <br /> subject to the terms of the existing license agreement between the City and Zone 7. To allow <br /> public access, the existing fences at either end of the trail on Owens Dr. and Rosewood Dr. <br /> would need to be modified by installing a pedestrian/bicycle opening. The applicant indicated <br /> that it is willing to install the fence modifications and a condition of approval addresses this <br /> item. <br /> Parking <br /> Residential <br /> The Standards established minimum parking requirements for the residential portion of the <br /> project. Those requirements and the proposed parking are indicated in the table below: <br /> Parking Standard Required Prososed <br /> Residents - 1.5 spaces per unit 458 458 <br /> Visitor Parking - 1 space per 10 units 31 31 <br /> Total 489 489 <br /> The Standards for this site indicate a shared parking opportunity with the office portion of the <br /> property and 75 of the 489 residential spaces noted above would be shared office/residential <br /> spaces. In general, the office tenants would use the parking spaces during office hours and <br /> residents would use the spaces at other times. A condition of approval requires that the <br /> PUD-85-08-1 D-4M Page - 16- March 27, 2013 <br />