Project-Grant#: 12-79 Castro Valley Sanitary District,Green Ribbon Awards,Castro Valley,West County,
<br /> $5,000.00- Grant funds will be used to incentivize school waste reduction efforts and raise the bar higher each year by
<br /> reassessing the Green Ribbon Schools Program application soon to prepare for the 2012/13 school year and raise the bar
<br /> higher once again with added requirements and exploring a higher diversion requirement.
<br /> Project-Grant#: 12-80 Valley View Elementary School,Soaring Scientist: Phase III"Radical Itecyclers",
<br /> Pleasanton,East County,$3,860.00-Grant funds will be used to purchase SMART remotes to allow 100%
<br /> participation from students during a lesson to assess the students without the use of paper.
<br /> Project-Grant#: 12-81 VOID
<br /> Project-Grant#: 12-82 Alameda County Child Care Planning Council,Greening Alameda County Preschools,
<br /> Oakland,West County,$25,007.00-Grant funds will be used to continue,expand,and deepen the recycling and waste
<br /> reduction work with hundreds of additional preschool teachers and programs throughout the county. Grant objectives: at
<br /> least 250 Alameda County preschool teachers will improve their knowledge of recycling and waste reduction,at least 50
<br /> preschools will use a developmentally appropriate RRRR curriculum; at least 100 tons of waste will be diverted from
<br /> local landfills,at least 60 preschool teachers will receive on-site in depth recycling and waste reduction technical
<br /> assistance,and at least 15 preschools will improve their scores on the nationally recognized Go Green Rating Scale.
<br /> Project-Grant#: 12-83 City of Dublin,Dublin 4R Challenge—Year 2,Dublin,East County,$18,000.00-Grant
<br /> funds will be used to increase diversion at each school by 10%each year, full food scrap diversion al all 6 elementary
<br /> schools,2 middle schools and the district offices by end of year three,encourage 4th and 5d,grade classrooms to sign up
<br /> for field trips,encourage middle and high school students to participate in the Service Learning Waste
<br /> Reduction project through and the Alameda County Office of Education,and make all teachers aware of
<br /> the teacher training sustainability in-service workshop curriculum and program resources available through
<br />
<br /> Project-Grant#: 12-84 Earth Team,Waste Action Program,Berkeley,West County,$20,000.00-Grant funds will
<br /> be used to engage youth in a service learning project that addresses environmental science,environmental health,
<br /> environmental justice and place-based education. The goals of this project are to: 1)increase awareness on campus and in
<br /> the greater community about the importance of natural resource conservation and the 4R's 2)inspire students to take
<br /> action and increase student's leadership skills by organizing learning waste action activities on their campus 3) improve
<br /> waste reduction and recycling habits and capabilities on campus that reduces the amount of waste heading to the landfill.
<br /> Project-Grant#: 12-85 Oakland Unified School District,Sustainability Initiatives,Oakland,West County,
<br /> $48,750.00-Funds from this grant will be used to establish a universal and standardized system that provides schools
<br /> with an outline of policy,procedures,supplies and the support personnel needed for an effective waste reduction program.
<br /> Funds will also be used to establish the development of an increased environmental curriculum and maintain the OUSD
<br /> Sustainability Initiatives Program Manager position to ensure the successful implementation of the Green Gloves and
<br /> Green Explorers Waste Reduction Program.
<br /> Project-Grant#: 12-86 Alameda Point Collaborative(APC),APC Supportive Housing Green Waste Management,
<br /> Alameda,West County,$10,983.00-Funds from this grant will be used to increase capacity for plant debris composting
<br /> with the goal of recycling all green waste generated from APC residential housing landscaping,teach composting
<br /> methods to APC resident employees and residents,generate high quality compost that can be used for gardening in APC
<br /> community gardens,and reduces APC landscaping green waste that is going into the general waste stream.
<br /> Project-Grant#: 12-87 Green Schools Initiative, Striving for Zero Waste in Berkeley Schools,Berkeley,West
<br /> County,$24,650.00-Funds from this grant will be used to form and train Green Teams at a minimum of 6 schools which
<br /> will be responsible for planning and implementing waste efforts in this and future years,to reduce waste and
<br /> contamination of recycling/compost in BUSD schools through a consistent waste management system and behaviors that
<br /> can be sustained by school Green Teams,to involve UC Berkeley students in volunteering at BUSD schools,and to
<br /> educate students in at least 6 BUSD schools about the 4R's and cultivate student leadership for environmental
<br /> conservation through hands on environments service learning projects.
<br /> Project-Grant#: 12-88 Friends of Alameda Theatre,Composting all Popcorn,Alameda,West County,$5,000.00—
<br /> Grant funds will be used to educate the community through waste prevention and recycling education,creating and
<br /> reinforcing general knowledge of the correct sorting process for waste. The objectives are to create a public service
<br /> announcement to be incorporated into the pre-show advertising and entertainment reel which will increase the accuracy of
<br /> sorting trash into the correct bins at the theatre,reinforce this same sorting process at home and at school,and build
<br /> knowledge of the importance of doing this consistently in all venues.
<br />