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P11-0824(Downtown Hospitality Guidelines), P12-0798(Pleasanton Municipal Code Amendments) <br /> Initial Study and Negative Declaration <br /> forest land (as defined in Public Resources Code <br /> Section 12220(g), timberland (as defined in Public <br /> Resources Code Section 4526), or timberland zoned <br /> Timberland Production (as defined by Government <br /> Code Section 51104(g))? <br /> d) Result in the loss of forest land or conversion of forest [ [[1 <br /> land to non-forest use? <br /> e) Involve other changes in the existing environment, 1 [f <br /> which, due to their location or nature, could result in <br /> conversion of Farmland, to non-agricultural use or <br /> conversion of forest land to non-forest use? <br /> DISCUSSION <br /> a-e. According to the Pleasanton General Plan, none of the land within the Downtown <br /> Specific Plan Area is Williamson Act Land (which restricts land to agriculture or <br /> open space land) and the Downtown Specific Plan Area is considered <br /> Developed/Urbanized/Urban and Built-Up land by the California Department of <br /> Conservation. <br /> No physical changes such as construction or demolition are proposed as part of this <br /> project. <br /> Special events and hospitality uses, such as music, entertainment, and bars are <br /> already allowed Downtown and no changes to where a bar use may be requested <br /> on a City wide basis are proposed. The underlying zoning map establishing where <br /> these uses may be located is not proposed to change. Increases in occupancy <br /> above Code, such as the Fire Code, are not proposed. These types of events and <br /> commercial land uses were addressed in the Pleasanton General Plan and its <br /> corresponding EIR. The Pleasanton General Plan EIFt required no <br /> mitigation/improvement measures for agricultural and forest resource impacts and <br /> deemed the impacts without mitigation as being less than significant. The Housing <br /> Element and CAP EIR did not identify any agricultural or forest resource impacts. <br /> The proposed project is not anticipated to create any new or additional impacts <br /> which have not already been studied in the Pleasanton General Phan and Housing <br /> Element and CAP EIRs. Therefore, these would be of less than significant impact. <br /> November Z 2012 18 <br />