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3/28/2012 4:44:06 PM
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modern office building and did not look good. What ended up was a very good project which was more <br /> of a classic design which will look good for a longer time into the future. Design guidelines can be used <br /> to improve it and he encouraged staff and BRE to look closer at them to improve this. <br /> Regarding Site 2, he believed it was better but needs some of the same kind of work. They also have to <br /> be cognizant of the residential units across the street and asked that they match surrounding residential <br /> units. Regarding the issue of narrowing Owens and Gibraltar, he asked for more discussion on this and <br /> to think creatively, as his concern is that those modifications would be made on only one side of the <br /> street which will not be helpful for retail success on Owens. The key is having a narrow street that is <br /> walkable with on-street parking and he suggested more work be done with this. The BART issue has <br /> bothered him from the beginning because they never could commit and the City should get together <br /> with them again and find out what their plans are. <br /> Concerning internal and external walkability, he wants to make sure there are separated sidewalks or <br /> true pedestrian circulation where people are not walking into car driveways. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan said he was happy to hear from the union workers. For most of these projects <br /> that are non-union and low bid, the workers come from the Central Valley and are coming into town, <br /> going home and not spending dollars in Pleasanton. Part of this concept is workforce housing, but the <br /> City never talked about the flipside of it, which is how do workers afford the housing which must be part <br /> of this equation. There are other benefits other than people making a living wage, and his <br /> understanding is that some of the agreements negotiated between unions and developers include <br /> things like internships or apprenticeships from local high schools to get into the trades. The developer <br /> should provide local jobs for local people so dollars stay in Pleasanton and he hopes those discussions <br /> can be fruitful. BRE is also looking for a 5-year development agreement with conditions for the project, <br /> but typically the City approves 2 year agreements. He felt there must be a benefit for the City in a <br /> development agreement and to him this could be one of those benefits which could be the basis for a 5 <br /> year development agreement. He would like these conversations to continue. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan asked if William Fleissig looked at the plans and provided any comments. Mr. <br /> Dolan said staff did have them conduct an informal review of the project. Councilmember Sullivan <br /> asked to receive a copy of the results and thinks he should be engaged in the project to work through <br /> some of the issues, especially on the live/work issue. <br /> Councilmember Thorne agreed with Councilmember McGovern that the trees have gotten bigger <br /> because they've had 9 years to grow. He first thanked the Planning Commission for all their work that <br /> went into the project. He thinks they have done an excellent job in asking all the right questions and <br /> thinks the project recommended to the Council will be appropriate. He has two general concerns; <br /> maintaining affordability of the project. They wanted transit-oriented development but also affordability. <br /> He would have a concern with putting so many restrictions on the project such that it becomes <br /> infeasible. In this case, it might revert back to an office building and the City has come too far to allow <br /> that to happen. This also leads into the live/work space. He is not comfortable in making general <br /> statements that retail can be successful. People who do this sort of thing tell us that it is not and he is <br /> not qualified to say it is feasible. The 30 foot depth makes more sense, as well as keeping the parking <br /> spaces, and he thinks the City should pay close attention to what its original objectives were which is to <br /> have an affordable project, feasible to build, so that the developer can move forward. <br /> Vice-Mayor Cook-Kallio referred to the narrowing of Owens and Gibraltar. She recognizes the fact that <br /> if BART is coming in to do something, it makes sense to wait so the money is spent wisely. However, if <br /> they are going to be slow moving, she would like to investigate looking at something else. She thinks <br /> part of what will make the retail work is that it is appealing. Regarding the connection of the trail on Site <br /> 2, she thinks there needs to be something worked out. She likes the idea of increasing the size of the <br /> park, as well. She agrees with Commissioner Blank's comments about wanting more data on the depth <br /> City Council Planning Commission Page 10 of 11 February 8, 2012 <br /> Joint Workshop Minutes <br />
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