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3/28/2012 4:44:06 PM
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patios before getting into units, sections showing compliance with TOD guidelines, the corner plaza, <br /> and main amenity spaces. <br /> Councilmember McGovern requested also using 1,000 square feet for the leasing office area on Site 2 <br /> as well, and Mr. Yau said they can review this and verify square footage and features. <br /> Mr. Yau continued the presentation, displaying emphasis of entries going into the space, the 4-story <br /> building along Owens with an elevator lobby, the 3-story garden buildings, caps and tops on the <br /> buildings, live/work along Owens with 12 foot ceilings, the revised Site 2 internal streets plan, <br /> circulation, open space, hardscape and softscape features, softening with architectural features for Site <br /> 2. <br /> Councilmember McGovern said she thinks the reason for this meeting is to check in with the Council <br /> because they have not seen what the Commission has. For the developer, it would be better that the <br /> developer does do this because when it comes to the Council, BRE will know concerns ahead of time. <br /> She forwarded several questions to staff and received answers. She definitely has concerns about <br /> opening large developments without connection to trails for walkability. She supported Mr. Dolan's idea <br /> for Site 2 for an intermediate area onto the Iron Horse Trail. She thinks not seeing the buildings without <br /> trees is difficult; she recognized trees will not grow very fast and asked to see more pictures of the <br /> project without tree growth and hopes the plan includes fast-growing trees for softening. She knows the <br /> developer is trying to fit Site 1 into the buildings next to it, and she wants it to be inviting. She voiced <br /> support for the entryways and suggested softening them even more with trellises and plants. She <br /> voiced concern about the plaza on Site 1 especially given comments that retail may not work, and <br /> suggested it be built with a gathering place for people. If retail does not work, it is a lot of space to lose <br /> for people and not have it built more for residents. <br /> Regarding Site 2, Councilmember McGovern said she is worried there are 10 buildings and wants the <br /> open space to be able to be used by all residents. She thinks also important is for the City to work with <br /> Shaklee to increase the size of the park. When the project comes to Council, she asked that the <br /> buildings plan, landscape plan, and trees be presented. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan referred to the list of things requested for feedback and said he appreciates <br /> the opportunity to hold this workshop. This is an extremely important project for the community and this <br /> will also set a precedent for what comes next and the City needs to ensure it does what it can for the <br /> community and its acceptance. Regarding the lack of internal streets, ideally he would like to see this <br /> given the enhanced neighborhood feeling but he can understand issues of this and be flexible. He <br /> would like to keep this as a standard for other high density developments and wants to make it work <br /> where it can. Regarding retail and live/work, this was an issue of the task force from the beginning and <br /> BRE said they could not make it work from the beginning. Through this year long process, they tried to <br /> come up with a way for mixed use, and he thinks there are many benefits for mixed use. The live/work <br /> concept was the huge compromise for him and reached after a year. He thinks the retail on Site 1 is <br /> completely inadequate and will not allow a viable retail base to be built. He agreed to this compromise <br /> and also to the live/work compromise, but he would not like to see it degraded further. He would like to <br /> keep the live/work the way they had it, and suggested re-arranging things as commented by Ms. <br /> Dennis. He thinks Commissioner Narum is right in that the open space plaza might not be in the right <br /> place and the corner might be appropriate for some additional retail to make it more viable. He would <br /> like to see staff and BRE play around with that a bit, but he wants to keep the live/work requirement. <br /> Regarding garage doors, it is hard to visualize what the developer is asking for, but on the level of detail <br /> on first floor elevations, it goes to his comments on items C and D. Frankly, he said he is not happy with <br /> the design at all, as it looks too austere, very industrialized, and does not have the look of Pleasanton, <br /> and asked for more work to be done. He asked for something more classic and timeless. He said when <br /> he was on the Commission, they reviewed a project on Hopyard and Gibraltar which was an ultra- <br /> City Council Planning Commission Page 9 of 11 February 8, 2012 <br /> Joint Workshop Minutes <br />
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