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of the retail space and asked that it be reasonable to make the retail work. In terms of the internal <br /> streets, if they must make a trade-off, she likes adding the open space as both sites could use more <br /> and agrees with Councilmember Sullivan that it should be pedestrian-friendly. She also pointed out that <br /> Commissioners Narum and Pearce and she and Councilmember Sullivan have all seen multiple <br /> generations of the project. They all served on the task force and some conversations are still out there <br /> and incomplete, while the evolution of others has been quite good. Lastly, she knows there have been <br /> conversations about the union and apprenticeship program, and she would really like to see if these <br /> conversations could continue. She thinks sometimes if they can find common ground and realizes <br /> those things important to the community, something can be worked out. <br /> Councilmember McGovern said BRE talked about affordability being already reviewed by the Housing <br /> Commission and she asked for a breakdown of what it looks like, their unit sizes, and suggested the <br /> Council discuss ways of increasing affordability. Lastly, she thanked BRE for their hard work. <br /> ADJOURNMENT <br /> There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Karen Diaz <br /> City Clerk <br /> City Council Planning Commission Page 11 of 11 February 8,2012 <br /> Joint Workshop Minutes <br />