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Commissioner Pearce agreed; she is comfortable with the design changes, continues to be concerned <br /> with Site 2's lack of stoops and community spaces in terms of gathering places outside which was <br /> something the task force and Commission discussed so that the areas are not ghostly and more <br /> residential in nature. She would like to see places outside where people can gather before going into <br /> their apartments; however, she recognizes she is the minority on the Commission in asking for that. <br /> Commissioner Olson said he is on record based on the Planning Commission workshop as to his view <br /> of this project which has not changed tonight. He thinks it is a great project, is impressed BRE returned <br /> with substantially everything the Commission asked them to do. He supported moving forward post <br /> haste. <br /> Vice-Mayor Cook-Kallio recognized Jessica Lahman. <br /> Jessica Lahman apologized for her delay and said she had conversations with Bob Linder and Irwin <br /> Yau and some City staff about the project. She was pleased to hear about the percentage of adaptable <br /> and universally designed units. They spoke about what kind of accessibility features would be included <br /> and it sounds as if there is some room and time for change. Regarding affordability, they are always <br /> concerned there is never enough in town especially low income housing. Those with social security or <br /> low wage jobs do not qualify for what is low income housing, and they would love to see more, low and <br /> extremely low income units. She hopes they can continue to look at affordability to determine a way to <br /> fit in more affordable units and to continue working on accessibility issues. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan noted to Ms. Lahman that the Council has asked staff to re-engage with them <br /> to discuss these issues. <br /> Vice Chair Narum said she is very pleased with changes that have been made to both sites based on <br /> their workshop, notably the details around some of the tops of the buildings. Regarding retail, she <br /> suggested looking at the retail at Dublin on the other side of BART and see what those spaces are <br /> which have sat empty for 2-3 years and how they were done and what can be gleaned from them. <br /> Lastly, she was probably the biggest advocate for the park on the task force and she was very <br /> comfortable with it; BRE has done a good job in delivering what was envisioned—an area for kids to <br /> play. What she did not want to see was something that could be scheduled by Community Services. <br /> She said she attended the Parks and Recreation Commission meeting when they reviewed the <br /> conceptual plans and they were very supportive of it. The only comment was to consider a basketball <br /> court, and other than that, she was ready to move forward to the Planning Commission. <br /> Commissioner O'Connor said he is comfortable with changes made, thinks BRE has addressed <br /> everything from the workshop. Regarding exceptions, he does not have a problem with any of the three <br /> exceptions and he advocated for eliminating all the live/work on Gibraltar and thinks it will not work at <br /> that location or retail. He is comfortable with what BRE is proposing. He thinks they need a contingency <br /> plan on the retail if it does not work in order to make it a viable living space. He supported the <br /> compromised depth at 30 feet and said if it did go with 40 feet it would be very dark at the back and not <br /> viable, and he did not want to not see it work for either retail or residential. He also did not want to lose <br /> any of the parking. Regarding bringing storefronts further out, he likes the look out at Owens and the <br /> public space and plaza look, and thinks this should be retained. <br /> Vice Chair Narum questioned and confirmed the group wished to hear a presentation by the architect. <br /> Irwin Yau, architect, gave a PowerPoint presentation, showing an aerial footprint of the site which <br /> shows parking which is hidden behind the project, a diagram showing the proposed project, the project <br /> if they implemented the internal streets and the difference which is a difference of 15,000 square feet of <br /> open space. He presented the main circulation within the Site 1 project with accessibility to BART and <br /> units, a diagram without the trees which shows the percentage of hard and softscape, ground level <br /> City Council Planning Commission Page 8 of 11 February 8,2012 <br /> Joint Workshop Minutes <br />
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