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Jay Jurich said he and his wife have supported schools, said they agree most of the time with the City <br /> Council and do everything they can to support the City. He has been a sheet metal worker for 32 years <br /> and has only done one job in Pleasanton. He would appreciate the Council recognizing and supporting <br /> local workers and getting jobs on the project. <br /> Sean Kyle, IBEW Local 595 member and electrician for 26 years, said he has never worked in the City <br /> of Pleasanton, asked that the Council come to an agreement with BRE to provide language which <br /> provides a percentage of workers be residents, as this has been done in other cities. <br /> Dustin Baker asked for the Council's assistance in requiring local union workers. He just joined IBEW <br /> Local 595 apprenticeship program and is raising a family in Pleasanton. Part of his career includes <br /> having job opportunities locally and a livable wage is important and necessary for him and his family to <br /> remain as residents. <br /> John Steinbach, Collier's Commercial Real Estate, said he represents W. P. Carey, owner of Site 1 in <br /> the Hacienda Business Park who is selling the site to BRE. They have been in negotiations for some <br /> time; BRE made their application in February 2003 and more than two years ago he and <br /> representatives of Collier's were called to the City to discuss how the settlement agreement would <br /> affect them. They were assured by the City at that time that the process would be brought to completion <br /> and that the settlement agreement would be adhered to. One important issue that came out of this <br /> process was that the project would be feasible. Both he and BRE have done everything the City has <br /> asked them to do which has included holding off on applications. He attended the October 17 workshop <br /> and thought the Planning Commission made very good comments to BRE who did more than comply <br /> with those comments, but four months later, they are back again. He questioned why they were still <br /> before the City, and said time kills deals. It costs money to hold properties vacant, for BRE to pay <br /> consultants to redo plans, and for lawyers to come and re-negotiate with W.P. Carey on a contract that <br /> was supposed to be fulfilled last year. W.P. Carey is both disappointed and mystified about the process <br /> laid out to them two years ago, and he feels the City has not been true to the process. The project has <br /> been vetted by staff, the Planning Commission and he asked that a decision be made. <br /> Councilmember Thorne questioned where the City was in the process because normally the project <br /> would go to the Planning Commission and the Commission has already held workshops. Chair Pentin <br /> said the Commission has vetted the project, but it made sense for the Council to join in with the <br /> Commission to hold this workshop. Mr. Dolan clarified that BRE's application has been submitted and <br /> staff has scheduled a tentative date for the project to go before the Planning Commission in March and <br /> for their recommendation to go to the City Council in April. <br /> Vice-Mayor Cook-Kallio closed public comment. <br /> Commissioner Blank said the Commission has gone through the project in good detail. He thinks <br /> worthwhile would be more data on the depth of the retail is appropriate and hopefully it is not too <br /> difficult to gather. He commented that a lot of work and time was put into the park and while conceptual, <br /> they have not seen the actual details and the physicality of what will be built which may come forward. <br /> But, he thinks the applicant has been fairly responsive to input received. When it returns to the Planning <br /> Commission in March, he suggested more data on the depth of retail and what the standard deviation is <br /> would be useful to know. <br /> Chair Pentin also agreed more information was needed on the depth of the live/work and the idea of <br /> possibly moving the building out to the sidewalk a bit if it is not useable space as well as the mix of <br /> retail. Other than that, in seeing changes and response by what the applicants have returned with, he is <br /> happy with what has been presented. <br /> City Council Planning Commission Page 7 of 11 February 8, 2012 <br /> Joint Workshop Minutes <br />