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6.Mitigation Monuonng and Retailing Program <br /> TABLE 6-1(Continued) <br /> MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM <br /> Site(e) Implementation Monitoring Monitoring and Reporting Monitoring Verification of <br /> Mitigation Measures Affected Procedures Responsibility Action Schedule Compliance <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.D-2:Prior to the issuance of grading 6,7.6, Project applicant will hire a Community Review and approval of Poor to issuance Venfied by: <br /> permits for development on the potential sites for rezoning That 18 qualified archeologist to Development archaeologist.Review and of grading permit. <br /> have not been previously developed or have only experienced prepare an archaeological Department approval of the construction <br /> mninal disturbance.Sites 6,7,8,and 18,the applicad that mitigation program as plan that includes Date: <br /> submit to the City an archaeological mitigation program that has described. archaeological mitigation. Field inspections <br /> been prepared by a licensed amhaeobgist with Input from a Native dying <br /> Amertran Representative.The applicant shal Implement Me Inspect site during <br /> construction. <br /> requirements and measures of this program,which will Include,but construction. <br /> not be limited to: <br /> • Submission of periodic status reports to the City of <br /> Pleasanton and the NAHC. <br /> • Submission of a final report matching the format of the final <br /> report submitted for CA-Ala-613M,dated March 2005,to the <br /> City and the NAHC. <br /> • A qualified archaeologist and the Native American <br /> Representative designated by the NAHC will be present on <br /> • <br /> site during the grading and trenching for the foundations, <br /> utility services,or other on-site excavation,In order to <br /> determine if any bone,shell,or artifacts are uncovered.If <br /> human remains are uncovered,the applicant will implement <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.04,below. <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.D-3:In the event that paleontological Al Project applicant will treln Community II resources are During Verified by <br /> resources are encountered during the course of development,NI workers and monitor their Development encountered,verify work is constructon. <br /> construction activity must temporally cease in the affected area(e) activities. Department suspended as required. <br /> until the„covered fossils are property assessed by a qualified review and approve Dere: <br /> paleontologist and subsequent recommendations for appropriate Project applicant will halt paleontologist and <br /> documentation and conservation are evaluated by the Lead work and hire a paleontologist's • <br /> • <br /> Agency.Excavation or disturbance may continue n other areas of paleontologist if materiels recommendations. <br /> the see that are not reasonably suspected to overlie adjacent or are discovered. <br /> • <br /> additional paleontological resources' ist will conduct Inspect site during <br /> Paleontologist construction to ensure <br /> independent review and compliance with project <br /> prepare treatment plan,if construction plans. • <br /> necessary,and file any <br /> required reports with the ' <br /> appropriate State agencies. <br /> Project applicant will <br /> implement treatment plan. <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.D.4:In the event that human romans are Al The project applicant will Community Verify mitigation measure Prior to issuance .Verified by <br /> discovered&sing grading and construction of developnent train workers and monitor Development on all construction of a grading and <br /> Nettles by the Housing Element,wok shall stop immediately. their acbvitles. Department for drawings. buildingpermit- <br /> There shelbenodispositimdsudthumanremains,other than in I _ Verify mitigation I <br /> 6.9 "_. _.._ . 2_._. <br /> nests• wYrMandnwonmeri wM• ESA nnsn one <br /> n�Suppm,rmW Em+mmnvrW laved/kaput December 3p+1 <br />