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6.megaton Monitoring and Reporting Program <br /> TABLE 6.1(Continued) <br /> MITIGATION MONITORING ANO REPORTING PROGRAM <br /> Site(s) Implementation Monitoring Monitoring and Reporting Monitoring Verification of <br /> Mitigation Measures Affected Procedures Responsibility Action Schedule Compliance <br /> approved mitigation bank for burrowing owl. <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.C.2:Consistent with the Alameda County 16,8,9,10, Project applicant will hire a Community Review and approval of Prior to issuance Verified by' <br /> Watercourse Protection Ordinance,no new grading or 13,20.21 biologist as described and Development biologist Review and of grading and <br /> development at Sites 8,8,9,10,13.20.or 21 shall be allowed will design and construct Department approval of the construction building permit. <br /> whin 20 feet of the edge of riparian vegetation or top of bank, project as described. plan. <br /> whichever is further from the creek centerline,as delineated by Dale: <br /> a qualified,City-approved biologist. Inspect site during <br /> construction to ensure Field inspections <br /> compliance with project during <br /> construction plans. cone cton. <br /> D.Cultural Resources <br /> Mitigation Meeeure lDle On Sites 6 and 21,prior to PUD 6,21 Project applicant will hire a Community Review and approval of the Prior to PUD 'Verified by <br /> approval or demolition,whichever coma first the prefect applicant quallfled architectural Development historian and the historic approval or <br /> that have a histb resource evaluation conducted for the ice historian to conduct an Department evaluation. demolition, <br /> house,farmhouse and associated structures at Site 6 and for the 1 evaluation, whichever occurs <br /> resitlence on Site 21 as applicabte.If it e determined Meta first. Dale: <br /> structure is historic,Mitigation Measure 4.0-lb wit be required.If <br /> the sttctwe is not bob to be Neat,demolition of the structure <br /> wit be considered a less than significant impact. <br /> Mitigation Measure 4.1:1-11:c If the historic resources evaluation 6,21 If the historic resources Community Review and approval of the Prior to Verified by <br /> determines Mel Sites 6 or 21 romans a historic resource,prior to evaluation In mitigation Development historian.Review of written demolition. <br /> demolition,the structure shall be documented according to Hlataic measure 4.0-la determines Department verification that required <br /> American Building Survey(NABS)standards.These standards the site contains a historic documentation submitted. <br /> re large format deck end white pletogre an phs, historical resource,the project Dale: <br /> idud <br /> narrative describing the achgadual aid historical deredededcs of applicant will hire a qualified. <br /> the bulling,and measured drawings(or reproduced existing architectural historian to <br /> drawings If available).The NABS documentation shall be archived prepare documentation <br /> at the City of Pleasanton Planning Depatr ent and the City of accenting to HAGS <br /> Pleasanton Pubic library. standards,and file <br /> documentation with the <br /> State Historic Preservation <br /> Officer,the HABS/HAER <br /> collections in the Library of • <br /> 1 Congress,the University of <br /> i California at Berkeley <br /> 1 Bancroft Library.the City of <br /> Pleasanton Library,the City <br /> of Pleasanton Planning <br /> Division.and provide written <br /> verification that the <br /> documentation has been <br /> filed. <br /> easel rwr a wed as one r. 68 ESA 171001e <br /> reel 5Ypgm.MY EmwnnxnW Impact aetot December 3011 <br />