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construction plan shall be included on all grading, utility, building, landscaping, <br /> and improvement plans during all phases of construction, access roads, parking <br /> areas and staging areas at construction sites. <br /> Site(s) affected: All <br /> (Draft SEIR, pp. 4.B-14 to 4.B-16.) <br /> Impact 4.B-4 <br /> Development facilitated by the General Plan Amendment and rezonings could <br /> potentially include residential or mixed-use developments that could expose sensitive receptors <br /> to substantial health risk from diesel particulate matter ("DPM") and other toxic air contaminants <br /> ("TAC") from mobile and stationary sources. <br /> The SEIR evaluates the impact of the proposed project related to the exposure of <br /> sensitive receptors to diesel particulate matter (DPM) and other toxic air contaminants (TACs) <br /> from mobile and stationary sources. Roadway traffic, especially on Interstates 580 and 680, <br /> would be the primary sources of TACs near the potential sites for rezoning. In addition, <br /> BAAQMD indicates that there are 40 permitted TAC sources within 1,000 feet of one or more <br /> potential sites for rezoning. <br /> Significance Before Mitigation: Significant <br /> Significance After Mitigation: Less than Significant <br /> Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in or incorporated into the <br /> Project that would avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental <br /> effect as identified in the SEIR. Mitigation Measure 4.B-4, which has been <br /> required in or incorporated into the Project, will reduce the significant <br /> environmental impact to a less than significant level. <br /> Facts in Support of Finding: The following facts and mitigation measures indicate <br /> that the impact will be reduced to less than significant. <br /> 1. Some of the potential sites for rezoning are within areas of <br /> concern from the TAC emissions from one or more of the stationary TAC <br /> sources. On-road vehicular traffic on nearby highway segments and arterials <br /> could also expose new residences on the potential sites for rezoning to TAC <br /> sources. <br /> 2. Implementation of Mitigation Measure 4.B-4 set forth in <br /> Table 6-1 of the Final SEIR and listed in the MMRP will ensure that Impact 4.B-4 <br /> would be reduced to a less than significant level and is hereby incorporated by <br /> reference and described below: <br /> 4.B-4: Reduce Exposure to TACs. On project sites where screening thresholds <br /> are exceeded, the following measures shall be implemented for development on <br /> all the potential sites for rezoning to reduce exposure to TACs and improve <br /> indoor and outdoor air quality: <br />