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17. Approve City Council Work Plan for 2011-2012 <br /> Mr. Fialho gave a brief presentation, stating that on April 14, 2011 the Council held a workshop <br /> with public input on the two-year Work Plan comprising of new goals, on-going goals, and <br /> regular routine services and operations. All items are categorized into 11 areas: 1) Development <br /> of the Bernal property; 2) Implementation of the General Plan and the pursuit of long-term <br /> advanced planning activities; 3) Maintenance of the City's fiscal resources and its sustainability; <br /> 4) Affordable housing needs and how to accommodate this within the context of state <br /> requirements and the lawsuit; 5) Implementation of improved traffic circulation measures; 6) <br /> fostering an environmental of economic prosperity throughout the City; 7) Strengthening youth <br /> programs, services, and activities; 8) Assuring a safe and secure community; 9) Protecting and <br /> enhancing Pleasanton's quality of life; 10) Pursuing environmental awareness programs; health, <br /> land use and preservation issues; and 11) Operation of an effective and cost-efficient <br /> government. <br /> A number of items are included in each category; some carry-overs from the last Work Plan and <br /> many with the influence of various boards, commissions and committees have been added. The <br /> Work Plan is on the City's website and will be included and incorporated within the City's <br /> Operating Budget. <br /> Councilmember McGovern said she had spoken with Mr. Fialho today about the possibility of <br /> taking the Housing Element and updating the Growth Management Program and putting them <br /> under the General Plan. She thinks they are not so specific to affordable housing, but all <br /> housing in the City. Mr. Fialho said staff can do this. <br /> Councilmember McGovern referred to City Services; Joint Planned Facilities for Increased <br /> Student Population, and said she wondered if this should be placed under Youth Programs. Mr. <br /> Fialho said this can also be done. <br /> Mayor Hosterman opened the public hearing. There were no public comments, and she <br /> immediately closed the public hearing. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan said there are many priorities for the planning or design of new capital <br /> projects, like the Phase II Bernal Park and the Wayside Park. He asked for clarification as to <br /> whether this was for planning and design only and not construction. Mr. Fialho replied it is for <br /> very preliminary design work. <br /> Councilmember Sullivan cited his desire for some items to be completed prior to the end of <br /> 2012, such as the East Side Specific Plan, the long-term fiscal analysis, State Route 84, and the <br /> Historic Preservation Guidelines for the downtown. <br /> Regarding the Downtown Hospitality Zone, he strongly feels this should be a City-driven <br /> process and not one driven by business organizations. It should have public participation, open <br /> meetings, minutes, and the ability for all stakeholders to play a meaningful role, which he does <br /> not believe would be achieved in its current form. <br /> Mayor Hosterman questioned whether Councilmember Sullivan was proposing to remove the <br /> PDA's role in the process. Councilmember Sullivan said his goal is to work in partnership with <br /> them but in a public and not private process. Mr. Fialho said this is still in its infancy and the <br /> PDA has an interest in advancing programs and initiatives for the downtown and has offered it <br /> as a PDA-led activity. He thinks there is a lot of logic and support for why it should be City-led, <br /> City Council Minutes Page 18 of 19 May 3, 2011 <br />