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PC 120810
City of Pleasanton
PC 120810
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Charles Huff stated that the Harveys’ home looks great and applauded the architect’s <br />concern for the environment. With respect to historic preservation, he noted that the <br />Firehouse Arts Theater has standing seam metal roofs and believes that there are many <br />opportunities where high quality projects can be built. He noted that aesthetics are in <br />the eye of the beholder and that he supported the project. <br />Dave Cunningham stated that he lives to the west of the Harveys’ home and supported <br />the proposed modification. He noted that the Harveys came to him to discuss the initial <br />plans and addressed concerns regarding window placement. He indicated that he <br />believes that the project brings vitality to the City and commented that the Firehouse <br />Theater has the exact same roof. <br />Referring to the concerns expressed about setting a precedent, Mr. Harvey stated that <br />any person could have installed a standing seam metal roof at any time. He added that <br />many people who can see the Second Street roof from their homes. With respect to the <br />concerns regarding glare and fading, he indicated that the roof is of very high quality <br />and is identical to the material for the metal shingles which may similarly fade. He <br />added that his house will not be seen at all from Neal Street. <br />Commissioner Narum noted that no panels are being proposed for panel C and asked <br />Mr. Harvey if he was willing to utilize underlying treatment and install metal shingles. <br />Mr. Harvey replied that he could do this, but it would cost a lot more money. He noted <br />that this panel is virtually flat and is the least visible roof plane on the entire house at <br />20 feet up. He added that his lot is also the highest on the street other than that of the <br />Krichbaums, who will only be able to see the edge of the roof, which would look the <br />same whether they are of shingle or standard seam metal. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />Commissioner Blank asked staff if they had an estimate of what the bituthene coating <br />would cost. <br />Mr. Corbett replied that he did not know. <br />Commissioner O’Connor stated that ten years ago, it cost approximately $800 for about <br />3,000 square feet, but he was not sure of the cost today. <br />Commissioner Blank stated that the situation was difficult. He added that he does not <br />understand the reluctance to put the new materials on areas that cannot be seen; <br />however, the Minutes of the numerous Zoning Administrator hearings indicate that a <br />good faith agreement was made with those people who wanted no metal roofs, and he <br />believes that it is incumbent on Mr. Harvey to meet this agreement. <br />Chair Olson referred to Mr. Cunningham’s use of the word “vitality” and thinks it is <br />applicable here. He stated that it is fortunate to have someone who wants to build a <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES, December 8, 2010 Page 15 of 23 <br /> <br />
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