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PC 120810
City of Pleasanton
PC 120810
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Ms. Garbarino replied that the house is not seen from the street. She stated that the <br />issue is the proposals are approved, built, and then people are shocked at the results. <br />She indicated that this is another reason a historic ordinance is truly needed. <br />Fred Krichbaum stated that he has been meeting with the Harveys and Planning staff <br />since 2008 concerning the construction of the Harveys’ new home. He noted that in <br />February 2008, then Planning Director Jerry Iserson proposed that the metal seam roof <br />be changed to composition shingles. He stated that he and the neighborhood concur <br />that a metal roof did not fit into the Heritage neighborhood and did not comply with the <br />Downtown Design Guidelines or Specific Plan. She added that Mr. Iserson assured the <br />neighbors that the two documents were Planning policies, second only to the General <br />Plan. <br />Mr. Krichbaum stated that after many meetings in May 2008, they met at the Zoning <br />Administrative Hearing, and the builder and architect were present along with the <br />Harveys. He noted that they were shown a sample of the metal shingled roof and <br />reached a compromise which would accommodate green engineering used, and there <br />was no mention that this might not work out. He suggested that the Harveys go back <br />with their architect and builder and alter the slope of the roof to accommodate the metal <br />shingles. <br />Mr. Krichbaum stated that he does not agree with the mismatched roof not only <br />because of the way it would look but also because it would set a precedent in a <br />Heritage neighborhood. He reiterated that the Downtown Design Guidelines and <br />Specific Plan are Planning policies and should be seriously followed. He agreed with <br />the comments regarding the glare and the noise. He added that six emails and <br />numerous neighbor communications have been received which are not in support of the <br />roof change. He asked the Commission to support the original approved plan, to have <br />the Harveys change the slope if necessary, and to respect Planning policies. <br />Bonnie Krichbaum, Past President of the Pleasanton Heritage Association, stated that <br />they have been meeting, negotiating, and compromising with the Harveys for almost <br />three years. She thanked the Planning Division for keeping them apprised and arriving <br />at compromises they all could live with; however, the Harveys now want a major change <br />that took quite a lot of time and effort to work out. <br />Ms. Krichbaum indicated that the Planning Division, PHA, and the neighbors have never <br />agreed to a standing seam metal roofing, and she does not agree with partial, mixed <br />and matched roofing as it will cause a bad precedent for the neighborhood. She cited <br />the home on Second Street as an exception that should not be the rule. She asked that <br />the Downtown Design Guidelines and Specific Plan be adhered to and that the original <br />plan be followed per the decisions which were made at the time, and that either the <br />slope be modified on the roof to accommodate the green equipment or something else <br />be done to adhere to all City policies. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES, December 8, 2010 Page 14 of 23 <br /> <br />
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