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e. Add a stepped series of planter boxes or other methods to minimize the <br />height of the retaining wall required around Lots 192 and 193 when viewed <br />from these lots. Such measure shall be designed to be satisfactory to these <br />residents and to the Planning Director. <br />f. Grading along the Maple Leaf edge of the project shall allow positive <br />drainage westward for the portions of the site to be transferred to the Maple <br />Leaf lots without exceeding one foot in height over existing rear yard <br />grade. The rear or side yards of lots abutting the Maple Leaf yards shall <br />match as closely as feasible the new rear yard elevation at the new fence <br />location; no variation greater than six inches shall be allowed. <br />g. In the event a retaining wall is required at any of the above "edges," the <br />height of the masonry walls planned in any of these locations shall be <br />reduced in height by the height of the wall, so long as a six-foot tall wall is <br />retained as measured from the residential lot grade. <br />5. The private access easement serving Parcels B and C (Section J-J) shall be posted <br />as a fire lane with no parking allowed. The public service easement (PSE) over <br />this road shall extend the total width of the private roadway easement (29 feet). <br />6. The Emergency Vehicle Access Easement (EVAE)/Pedestrian Way configurations <br />shown shall incorporate anall-weather surface different form that used for the <br />sidewalk/path in the area between the sidewalk and curb. The curb shall transition <br />from the vertical street curb to a rolled curb to allow emergency access from the <br />street to the path. No gates or fences shall block these EVAEs. In the event <br />control of unauthorized traffic using these EVAEs for unintended purposes is <br />required, as determined by the Planning Director, an automatic opening gate <br />remotely operation through the Fire Department's Opticom system may be <br />installed by the Homeowners Association. The final design of the gate, pedestrian <br />access opening, and gate opening system shall be subject to review and approval <br />by the Planning Director. <br />7. Any storm drain inlets and laterals constructed within the EVAEs shall be <br />privately owned and maintained by the Homeowners Association. <br />8. The median island width within "Q" Street shall be seven-foot minimum. The <br />City Engineer shall approve the alignment and width of the transition from two <br />lanes to one north-bound lane. The traffic roundabout shall be designed and <br />constructed per the Federal guidelines except as modified by the City Engineer. <br />The median island and roundabout shall be designed to the satisfaction of the City <br />Engineer and Planning Director. Maintenance holes or water main valves shall <br />not intersect within the roundabout. <br />Exhibit B, Draft Conditions of Approval, Tract 7381, Ponderosa Homes October 17, 2002 <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />