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Section 3.02 Dangerous Building <br /> For the purpose of this code, any building or structure which has any or all of the <br /> conditions or defects hereinafter described shall be deemed to be a dangerous building, <br /> provided that such conditions or defects exist to the extent that the life, health, property <br /> or safety of the public or its occupants are endangered: <br /> 1. Whenever any door, aisle, passageway, stairway or other means of exit is not of <br /> sufficient width or size or is not so arranged as to provide safe and adequate <br /> means of exit in case of fire or panic. <br /> 2. Whenever the walking surface of any aisle, passageway, stairway or other <br /> means of exit is so warped, warn, loose, torn or otherwise unsafe as to not <br /> provide safe and adequate means of exit in case of fire or panic. <br /> 3. Whenever the stress in any materials, member or portion thereof, due to all dead <br /> and live loads, is more than one and one half times the working stress or <br /> stresses allowed in the Building Code for new buildings of similar structure, <br /> purpose or location. <br /> 4. Whenever any portion thereof has been damaged by fire, earthquake, wind, flood <br /> or by any other cause, to such an extent that the structural strength or stability <br /> thereof is materially less than it was before such catastrophe and is less than the <br /> minimum requiremerts of the Building Code for new buildings of similar structure, <br /> purpose or location. <br /> 5. Whenever any portion or member or appurtenance thereof is likely to fail, or to <br /> become detached or dislodged, or to collapse and thereby injure persons or <br /> damage property. <br /> 6. Whenever any portion of a building, or any member, appurtenance or <br /> ornamentation on the exterior thereof is not of sufficient strength or stability, or is <br /> not so anchored, attached or fastened in place so as to be capable of resisting a <br /> wind pressure of one half of that specified in the Building Code for new buildings <br /> of similar structure, purpose or location without exceeding the working stresses <br /> permitted in the Building Code for such buildings. <br /> 7. Whenever any portion thereof has wracked, warped, buckled or settled to such <br /> an extent that walls or other structural portions have materially less resistance to <br /> winds or earthquakes than is required in the case of similar construction. <br /> 8. Whenever the building or structure, or any portion thereof, because of (i) <br /> dilapidation, deterioration or decay; (ii) faulty construction; (iii) the removal, <br /> movement or instability of any portion of the ground necessary for the purpose of <br /> supporting such building; (iv) the deterioration, decay or inadequacy of its <br /> foundation; or (v) any other cause, is likely to partially or completely collapse. <br /> 9. Whenever, for any reason, the building or structure, or any portion thereof, is <br /> manifestly unsafe for the purpose for which it is being used. <br /> 10. Whenever the exterior walls or other vertical structure members list, lean or <br /> buckle to such an extent that a plumb line passing through the center of gravity <br /> does not fall inside the middle one third of the base. <br /> 11. Whenever the building or structure, exclusive of the foundation, shows 33 <br /> percent or more damage or deterioration of its supporting member or members, <br /> or 50 percent damage or deterioration of its nonsupporting members, enclosing <br /> or outside walls or coverings. <br /> 77 <br />