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12. Whenever the building or structure has been so damaged by fire, wind, <br /> earthquake or flood, or has become so dilapidated or deteriorated as to become <br /> (i) an attractive nuisance to children; (ii) a harbor for vagrants, criminals or <br /> immoral persons; or as to (iii) enable persons to resort thereto for the purpose of <br /> committing unlawful or immoral acts. <br /> 13. Whenever any building or structure has been constructed, exists or is maintained <br /> in violation of any specific requirement or prohibition applicable to such building <br /> or structure provided by the building regulations of the county, as specified in the <br /> Building Code or of any law or ordinance of the state or county relating to the <br /> condition, location or structure of buildings. <br /> 14. Whenever any building or structure which, whether or not erected in accordance <br /> with all applicable laws and ordinances, has in any nonsupporting part, member <br /> or portion less than 50 %, or in any supporting part, member corporation less than <br /> 66% of the (i) strength, (ii) fire - resisting qualities or characteristic, or (iii) weather - <br /> resisting qualities or characteristics required by law in the case of a newly <br /> constructed building of like area, height and occupancy in the same location. <br /> 15. Whenever a building or structure, used or intended to be used for dwelling <br /> purposes, because of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, decay, damage, <br /> faulty construction or arrangement, inadequate light, air or sanitation facilities, or <br /> otherwise, is determined by the health officer to be unsanitary, unfit for human <br /> habitation or in such a condition that is likely to cause sickness or disease. <br /> 16.Whenever any building or structure, because of obsolescence, dilapidated <br /> condition, deterioration, damage, inadequate exits, lack of sufficient fire - resistive <br /> construction, faulty electric wiring, gas connections or heating apparatus, or other <br /> cause, is determined by the Building and Safety Official to be a fire hazard. <br /> 17. Whenever any building or structure is in such a condition as to constitute a public <br /> nuisance known to the common law or in equity jurisprudence. <br /> 18. Whenever any portion of a building or structure remains on a site after the <br /> demolition or destruction of the building or structure or whenever any building or <br /> structure is abandoned for a period in excess of six months so as to constitute <br /> such building or portion thereof an attractive nuisance or hazard to the public. <br /> CHAPTER 4 <br /> NOTICES AND ORDERS OF BUILDING AND SAFETY OFFICIAL <br /> Section 4.01 General. <br /> A. Commencement of proceedings. When the Building and Safety Official has <br /> inspected or caused to be inspected any building and has found and determined that <br /> such building is a dangerous building, the Building and Safety Official shall <br /> commence proceedings to cause the repair, vacation or demolition of the building. <br /> B. Notice and Order. The Building and Safety Official shall issue a notice and order <br /> directed to the record owner, occupant, lease holder, mortgagee, agent and other <br /> interested parties of the building. The notice and order shall contain: <br /> 1. The street address and a legal description sufficient for identification of the <br /> premises upon which the building is located. <br /> 78 <br />