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Resolution No. PC-2002-19 <br />Page 4 <br />8. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the landscape plan shall be modified to incorporate <br />eight trees along the eastern property line in the vegetated Swale. Said tree species shall be <br />subject to review and approval by the City's Landscape Architect. <br />9. All new trees used in landscaping shall be a minimum of 24-inch box size and all shrubs a <br />minimum of 5 gallons, unless otherwise shown on the approved landscape plan. <br />10. The project developer shall provide root control barriers and four-inch perforated pipes for <br />parking lot trees, street trees, and trees in planting areas less than ten feet in width. <br />11. Prior to occupancy, the landscape architect shall certify in writing to the Planning Director <br />that the landscaping has been installed in accordance with the approved landscape and <br />irrigation plans with respect to size, number, and species of plants and overall design <br />concept. <br />12. The project developer shall enter into an agreement with the City, approved by the City <br />Attorney, which guarantees that all landscaping and open space azeas included in this <br />project will be maintained at all times in a manner consistent with the approved landscape <br />plan for this development. Said agreement shall run with the land for the duration of the <br />existence of the structures located on the subject property. <br />13. Any existing tree, shrub, and/or groundcover on the adjacent properties that is damaged or <br />destroyed by construction activities shall be replaced prior to occupancy. <br />Parking and Hardscape <br />14. The drive aisle widths shall be clearly shown on the plans submitted for Building <br />Department plan check. As determined by the Fire Marshal, some drive aisles may be <br />required to be painted and/or posted as fire lanes. <br />15. All parking spaces shall be striped. Wheel stops shall be provided unless the spaces aze <br />fronted by concrete curbs, in which case sufficient areas shall be provided beyond the ends <br />of all pazking spaces to accommodate the overhang of automobiles. <br />16. All full-sized parking spaces shall be a minimum of 19' x 9' in size and compact parking <br />spaces shall be a minimum of 8'x 16' in size. Reductions in pazking space length up to a <br />maximum of 2' shall be allowed so long as adequate vehicle overhang is provided in front <br />of each reduced-size parking space, as determined by the Zoning Administrator. Each <br />compact car space shall be mazked cleazly with bold lettering no less than 8" in height <br />"Compact Caz Only". The dimensions of the pazking stalls shall be clearly shown on the <br />plans submitted for Building Department plan check. <br />17. All drive aisles shall be signed for no parking except in the designated parking areas. <br />