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PC 021302
City of Pleasanton
PC 021302
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8/10/2017 4:43:05 PM
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4/15/2003 8:08:15 PM
PC 021302
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<br />evening to the Commissioners. Ms. Kline advised that the an in-lieu parking fee agreement <br />r- would be required for this project. She also advised that the applicant has voluntarily complied <br />with the Planning Commission's Green Building recommendation and the project would qualify <br />for the "certified" status. <br /> <br />In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Roberts, Ms. Kline provided information regarding <br />the setbacks for the existing and new buildings. <br /> <br />Commissioner Roberts commented that if this project is approved and built, any thought of <br />extending Railroad Avenue through this particular lot will not be possible. Ms. Kline advised <br />that there was a similar situation when Mr. Grimes built his landscaping business project on <br />Spring Street, and his development was in the path of all three potential alignments. She noted <br />that this is a potential risk and Mr. Mendez is aware of it, but she noted that there are three <br />possible alignments. <br /> <br />In response to an inquiry from Commissioner Kameny, Ms. Kline stated that the in-lieu parking <br />fee is approximately $8,500 per space, but this is being reevaluated. Ms. Seto advised that these <br />funds will be used to provide parking through various options. <br /> <br />Commissioner Arkin questioned whether it would be possible to park in the driveway. Ms. <br />Kline advised that this proposal has been studied by the Fire Marshal and Condition #50 <br />provides for the towing of vehicles that are illegally parked in fire lanes. <br /> <br />,-- Commissioner Arkin asked if it the two garages must always be available for parking, or whether <br />the one-car garage could be used for storage. Ms. Kline advised that part of the project is <br />approval is that the parking spaces in the garages be provided. Ms. Kline stated that the <br />condition could be strengthened to enforce this requirement. <br /> <br />Commissioner Arkin inquired as to whether an architectural peer review had been done on the <br />project. He noted that he feels for the craftsman architectural style, the design is simplistic, and <br />he feels the colors are rather boring. <br /> <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED <br /> <br />Frank Auf der Maur, Jr., 148 Spring Street, advised that he is the project architect. He advised <br />that the property owners, Mr. and Mrs. Mendez, have been deeply involved in the design and <br />color and material selection. He noted that they are in agreement with the conditions of approval <br />and asked that the Planning Commission support staffs recommendation for approval. <br /> <br />r- <br /> <br />Mr. Auf der Maur commented on the roof height and the plate line of the second floor. He stated <br />that he was concerned about meeting the residential nature of Ray Street. He noted that they <br />looked at this parcel as a transition between the commercial and residential uses. He stated that <br />he and Mr. Iserson agreed that as long as the second floor did not go past the existing residences, <br />the lower floor and porch projecting into that area would give a residential and pedestrian feel <br />that meets a lot of the Downtown Design Guidelines. Mr. Auf der Maur advised that the original <br />craftsman homes did not have a lot of masonry and that a lot of the buildings in the Downtown <br /> <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES <br /> <br />February 13, 2002 <br /> <br />Page 8 <br />
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