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Pleasanton Gateway— Environmental Checklist <br /> constructed and occupied. The "Cumulative Development" scenario addresses the build - <br /> out the 2005 — 2025 Pleasanton General Plan with the proposed project and includes the <br /> developments that have not received final City approval but are identified to be completed <br /> in the long term. <br /> The traffic impact study, "Transportation Impact Study, Pleasanton Gateway Retail /Office <br /> Plaza ", dated April 2009, prepared for the City of Pleasanton by Fehr & Peers <br /> Transportation Consultants, was completed for the proposal analyzing the "Existing/ <br /> Baseline /Approved" and "Cumulative" scenarios. The "Pleasanton Gateway — Updated <br /> Traffic Assessment ", dated November 10, 2009 also prepared for the City of Pleasanton by <br /> Fehr & Peers Transportation Consultants, evaluated the effects of constructing the project <br /> in two phases — the commercial /retail section as Phase One and the office section as <br /> Phase Two. The overall proposed development — commercial /retail and office — will add <br /> approximately 13,740 new trips to surrounding streets, intersections, and freeway <br /> entrance /exit ramps resulting in 1,235 a.m. peak hour trips and 1,644 p.m. peak hour trips. <br /> The commercial /retail section will add 6,990 new trips resulting in 320 a.m. peak hour trips <br /> and 683 peak hour trips. Based on the traffic analysis completed for the updated General <br /> Plan, the approved office development will generate 1,110 total trips for the p.m. peak <br /> hour. <br /> Standards of Significance <br /> For purposes of this environmental document, an impact is considered significant if the <br /> proposed project would: <br /> • Result in reducing the Level of Service from "D" to "E" or worse. <br /> Less Than <br /> Significant <br /> Potentially Impact With Less Than <br /> Significant Mitigation Significant No <br /> Issues Impact Incorporated Impact Impact <br /> Transportation and Traffic <br /> Would the project: <br /> a) Cause an increase in traffic, which is substantial in X <br /> relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the <br /> street system (i.e., result in a substantial increase in <br /> either the number of vehicle trips, the volume to <br /> capacity ratio on roads, or congestion at <br /> intersections)? <br /> b) Exceed, either individually or cumulatively, a level of LXJ <br /> service standard established by the county congestion <br /> management agency for designated roads or <br /> highways? <br /> c) Result in a change in air traffic patterns, including L] x L <br /> either an increase in traffic levels or a change in <br /> location that result in substantial safety risks? <br /> Page 47 of 52 Pleasanton Gatevvay Initial Study August 2, 2010 <br />