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Pleasanton Gateway- Environmental Checklist <br /> Standards of Significance <br /> For purposes of this environmental document, an impact is considered significant if the <br /> proposed project would: <br /> • Result in the failure to meet City standards for the provision of parkland. <br /> Less Than <br /> Significant <br /> Potentially Impact With Less Than <br /> Significant Mitigation Significant No <br /> Issues Impact Incorporated Impact Impact <br /> Recreation <br /> Would the project: <br /> a) Would the project increase the use of existing Ci x <br /> neighborhood and regional parks or other recreational <br /> facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of <br /> the facility would occur or be accelerated? <br /> b) Does the project include recreational facilities or 1 L <br /> require the construction or expansion of recreational <br /> facilities, which might have an adverse physical effect <br /> on the environment? <br /> Discussion <br /> a -b) The proposed development will, with its build -it, increase the demand on the <br /> Bernal Property facilities. The applicant will contribute to the installation of <br /> landscaping on the City parkland on the south side of the Pleasanton Gateway <br /> and will enhance these facilities with pedestrian trail connections. Therefore, this <br /> would be a less - than - significant - impact. <br /> 15. TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC <br /> Environmental Setting <br /> Program 1.1 of the Circulation Element of the 2005 -- 2025 Pleasanton General Plan' <br /> states, "Require new developments to pay their fair share of planned roadway <br /> improvement costs." Pro 2.7 of the Circulation Element of the 2005 -- 2025 <br /> Pleasanton General Plan states, "Require feasible mitigation measures to keep <br /> intersections impacted by development to acceptable service levels, in the extent that LOS <br /> D is exceeded. If there are no feasible mitigation measures and if the intersections are <br /> otherwise not exempt from the LOS D standard, withhold development approvals, <br /> including building permits, until the intersections exceeding LOS D are at an acceptable <br /> level of service." <br /> The "Approved Development" scenario consists of projects that have final City approval <br /> but are either not built, under construction, or partially occupied. Approved projects are <br /> used to forecast near term traffic conditions. The generation of future traffic volumes is <br /> based on information contained in the City's Baseline Approved land use database, which <br /> is updated to include current approvals and to delete approved projects that are <br /> Page 46 of 52 Pleasanton Gateway Initial Study August 2, 2010 <br />