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Pleasanton Gateway- Environmental Checklist <br /> • Create an increased demand for parks and other public facilities that would exceed <br /> existing capacity. <br /> Less Than <br /> Significant <br /> Potentially Impact With Less Than <br /> Significant Mitigation Significant No <br /> Issues Impact Incorporated Impact Impact <br /> Public Services <br /> Would the project: <br /> a) Would the project result in substantial adverse <br /> physical impacts associated with the provision of new <br /> or physically altered governmental facilities, need for <br /> new or physically altered governmental facilities, the <br /> construction of which could cause significant <br /> environmental impacts, in order to maintain <br /> acceptable service ratios, response times or other <br /> performance objectives for any of the public services: <br /> i) Fire protection? C- L1 L <br /> ii) Police protection? ] [x <br /> iii) Schools? LI 1 1 Li LX <br /> iv) Parks? 1 1 [X <br /> v) Other public facilities? <br /> Discussion <br /> a -i -v) The project developer will contribute to the construction of schools /school facilities <br /> through the payment of school impact fees. Police, Fire, Public Park, and related <br /> service capacities exist to adequately serve the project. The southerly side of the <br /> project will be designed to interface with the City parkland to the south. Therefore, <br /> this would be considered no impact. <br /> 14. RECREATION <br /> Environmental Setting <br /> The project site will not be providing on -site parkland. However, there will be on -site and <br /> public amenities including pedestrian pathways and linkages to the Bernal Cornmunity <br /> Park to the south. <br /> Page 45 of 52 Pleasanton Gateway Initial Study August 2, 2010 <br />