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Pleasanton Gateway— Environmental Checklist <br /> Ozone /Bay Area 2000 Clean Air Plan <br /> The San Francisco air basin is currently non- attainment for ozone (state and federal <br /> ambient standards) and particulates (PM10, state ambient standards). While air quality <br /> plans exist for ozone, none exists or is currently required for PM10. The "2005 Bay Area <br /> Ozone Strategy' is the current ozone air quality plan required under the Federal "Clean Air <br /> Acf'. The state - mandated regional air quality plan is the "Bay Area 2000 Clean Air Plan ". <br /> These plans contain mobile source controls, stationary source controls, and transportation <br /> control measures to be implemented in the region to attain the state and federal ozone <br /> standards with the San Francisco Bay Area Basin. <br /> Greenhouse Gas Emissions <br /> In 2006, the Governor of California signed AB 32, the "Global Warming Solutions Act ", into <br /> law that requires California cap its Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions at 1990 levels by <br /> the year 2020. On December 11, 2008, the California Environmental Protection Agency <br /> Air Resources Board (ARB) adopted the, "Climate Change Scoping Plan" to achieve the <br /> GHG reductions required by AB 32. The Scoping Plan contains the main strategies <br /> California will implement to reduce GHG emissions by 174 million metric tons (MMT), or <br /> approximately 30 percent, from the state's projected 2020 emissions level of 596 MMT of <br /> CO2e under a business -as -usual scenario. <br /> The Scoping Plan also breaks down the GHG emissions reductions for each emission. <br /> While the ARB has identified a GHG reduction target of 15 percent for local governments, <br /> it has not as yet determined its recommended GHG emissions from local government land <br /> use decisions. However, the Scoping Plan does rely on local governments' land use <br /> planning and urban growth decision - making for the successful implementation of the <br /> Scoping Plan. The measures approved by ARB must be enacted by 2012. The <br /> BAAQMD's June 2010 Guidelines include screening levels, thresholds of significance, and <br /> methods of analysis for GHG emissions. <br /> The firm Lamphier- Gregory prepared the, "GHG Emissions Analysis for the Pleasanton <br /> Gateway Project ", dated June 30, 2010, that is attached and referenced in the following <br /> Air Quality section of the Initial Study and is consistent with the adopted thresholds and is <br /> intended to be consistent with the June 2010 Guidelines and recommended analysis <br /> methodologies. <br /> Standards of Significance <br /> For purposes of this environmental document, an impact is considered significant if the <br /> proposed project would: <br /> • Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan; <br /> • Result in pollution emission levels above those established by BAAQMD in either <br /> short term (construction related) or long term (traffic); <br /> • Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations; <br /> • Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of people; and, <br /> • Exceed the BAAQMD GHG emissions standard of 1,100 metric tons per year of <br /> CO or 4.6 metric tons CO per service population per year. <br /> Page 21 of 52 Pleasanton Gateway Initial Study August 2, 2010 <br />