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severe consequences, such as layoffs of police, fire and paramedic first responders, fire station <br />closures, healthcare cutbacks, delays in road safety improvements, public transit fare increases <br />and cutbacks in public transit services. <br />(f) State politicians in Sacramento have continued to ignore the will of the voters, and <br />current law provides no penalties when state politicians take or borrow these dedicated funds. <br />(g) It is hereby resolved, that with approval of this ballot initiative, state politicians in <br />Sacramento shall be prohibited from seizing, diverting, shifting, borrowing, transferring, <br />suspending or otherwise taking or interfering with tax revenues dedicated to funding local <br />government services or dedicated to transportation improvement projects and services. <br />Section Two and One - Half. Statement of Purpose. <br />The purpose of this measure is to conclusively and completely prohibit state politicians <br />in Sacramento from seizing, diverting, shifting, borrowing, transferring, suspending or <br />otherwise taking or interfering with revenues that are dedicated to funding services provided <br />by local government or funds dedicated to transportation improvement projects and services. <br />Section Three. Section 24 of Article XIII of the California Constitution is hereby amended to <br />read as follows: <br />(a) The Legislature may not impose taxes for local purposes but may authorize local <br />governments to impose them. <br />(b) The Legislature may not reallocate, transfer, borrow, appropriate, restrict the use <br />of, or otherwise use the proceeds of any tax imposed or levied by a local government solely for <br />the local government's purposes. <br />ll Money appropriated from state funds to a local government for its local purposes <br />may be used as provided by law. <br />1� Money subvened to a local government under Section 25 may be used for state or <br />local purposes. <br />Section Four. Section 25.5 of Article XIII of the California Constitution is hereby amended to <br />read as follows: <br />SEC. 25.5. (a) On or after November 3, 2004, the Legislature shall not enact a statute to <br />do any of the following: <br />2 <br />