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Section One. Title. <br />This act shall be known and may be cited as the "Local Taxpayer, Public Safety, and <br />Transportation Protection Act of 2010." <br />Section Two. Findings and Declarations. <br />09 -0063 <br />Arndt. #INS <br />The people of the State of California find and declare that: <br />(a) In order to maintain local control over local taxpayer funds and protect vital services <br />like local fire protection and 9 -1 -1 emergency response, law enforcement, emergency room <br />care, public transit, and transportation improvements, California voters have repeatedly and <br />overwhelmingly voted to restrict state politicians in Sacramento from taking revenues <br />dedicated to funding local government services and dedicated to funding transportation <br />improvement projects and services. <br />(b) By taking these actions, voters have acknowledged the critical importance of <br />preventing State raids of revenues dedicated to funding vital local government services and <br />transportation improvement projects and services. <br />(c) Despite the fact that voters have repeatedly passed measures to prevent the State <br />from taking these revenues dedicated to funding local government services and transportation <br />improvement projects and services, state politicians in Sacramento have seized and borrowed <br />billions of dollars in local government and transportation funds. <br />(d) In recent years, state politicians in Sacramento have specifically: <br />(1) Borrowed billions of dollars in local property tax revenues that would otherwise be <br />used to fund local police, fire and paramedic response and other vital local services; <br />(2) Sought to take and borrow billions of dollars in gas tax revenues that voters have <br />dedicated to on -going transportation projects and tried to use them for non - transportation <br />purposes; <br />(3) Taken local community redevelopment funds on numerous occasions and used them <br />for unrelated purposes; <br />(4) Taken billions of dollars from local public transit like bus, shuttle, light -rail and <br />regional commuter rail, and used these funds for unrelated state purposes. <br />(e) The continued raiding and borrowing of revenues dedicated to funding local <br />government services and dedicated to funding transportation improvement projects can cause <br />1 <br />