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(1) (A) Except as otherwise provided in subparagraph (B), modify the manner in which <br />ad valorem property tax revenues are allocated in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 1 <br />of Article XIII A so as to reduce for any fiscal year the percentage of the total amount of ad <br />valorem property tax revenues in a county that is allocated among all of the local agencies in <br />that county below the percentage of the total amount of those revenues that would be <br />allocated among those agencies for the same fiscal year under the statutes in effect on <br />November 3, 2004. For purposes of this subparagraph, "percentage" does not include any <br />property tax revenues referenced in paragraph (2). <br />(B) Beginning-with-the-2008-09 In the 2009 -10 fiscal year only, and except as otherwise <br />provided in subparagraph (C), subparagraph (A) may be suspended for a that fiscal year if all of <br />the following conditions are met: <br />(i) The Governor issues a proclamation that declares that, due to a severe state fiscal <br />hardship, the suspension of subparagraph (A) is necessary. <br />(ii) The Legislature enacts an urgency statute, pursuant to a bill passed in each house of <br />the Legislature by rollcall vote entered in the journal, two- thirds of the membership concurring, <br />that contains a suspension of subparagraph (A) for that fiscal year and does not contain any <br />other provision. <br />(iii) No later than the effective date of the statute described in clause (ii), a statute is <br />enacted that provides for the full repayment to local agencies of the total amount of revenue <br />losses, including interest as provided by law, resulting from the modification of ad valorem <br />property tax revenue allocations to local agencies. This full repayment shall be made not later <br />than the end of the third fiscal year immediately following the fiscal year to which the <br />modification applies. <br />,M.. p h (A) n d e a <br />been- completed pllct d, <br />3 <br />