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Grading /Urban Stormwater Runoff The existing site grades will be largely <br /> retained with the proposed project grading limited to the minimum grading for the <br /> driveway entrance, house and driveways, and a reasonably sized private yard <br /> area. The building sites will be designed in conformance to the requirements of <br /> the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) of the Clean Water <br /> Act: structures and paved areas will be designed to drain to bio- filter areas, <br /> swales, or comparable measures to pretreat and then dissipate the stormwater <br /> runoff. <br /> Existing Trees A total of 67 existing trees may be impacted by the construction <br /> of the subdivision improvements and building sites. The trees in these areas are <br /> required to be mapped with the project- specific tree analyses. Removal of a <br /> Heritage /None Heritage size tree will be mitigated with the planting of new native <br /> specimen trees in five designated replacement areas on the site. All replacement <br /> trees will be watered and maintained by the property owners for three years after <br /> planting. <br /> Construction Hours All construction activities are limited to the hours of <br /> 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday with no construction allowed on <br /> State and Federal Holidays. A construction traffic management plan shall be <br /> submitted before the first construction phase to coordinate construction traffic with <br /> Foothill High School traffic. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> Public notices were sent to all property owners within a 1,000 -foot radius of the project <br /> site. As of the writing of this staff report, staff has not received any verbal or written <br /> comments from the public. All verbal /written comments pertaining to this proposal will be <br /> forwarded to the Planning Commission. <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT <br /> Environmental Review <br /> The environmental review for the proposed project is covered by an updated Initial <br /> Study /Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS /MND) addressing the modification of the <br /> creek/drainage channel and the tree removal resulting from this modification and from the <br /> realigned entrance driveway. The updated IS /MND includes the analyses that were <br /> conducted for the previous IS /MND and the response to the comments of the outside <br /> agencies. The consultants' reports were peer reviewed by LSA Associates and resulted <br /> in new information being added to the updated IS /MND. <br /> The cumulative analysis for the Yee property focused on the following species and <br /> issues: Alameda Whipsnake, California Red Legged Frog, California Tiger Salamander, <br /> Callippe Silverspot Butterfly, Nesting Birds, Roosting Bats, San Francisco Dusky- Footed <br /> Woodrat, and Trees. The analyses determined that the site is not habitat area for some <br /> of these species and, where the site could be habitat, identified a combination of <br /> mitigation measures were such as pre- construction surveys, protection fencing, and <br /> mitigation plans that are conditioned to be implemented with the construction of the <br /> project. <br /> Page 11 of 16 <br />