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Chairperson Kennedy questioned whether the Commission would be informed if additional <br /> CDBG funds were made available for distribution. Mr. Erickson advised that in the past the <br /> Commission has allowed staff to distribute funds proportionately and believed that the increase <br /> in funds could be in the range of 7 <br /> Ms. Yurchak advised that if additional City funds should be made available by the City that the <br /> Commission could identify agencies to which it would like to assign funding. Chairperson <br /> Kennedy indicated that she was concerned about Spectrum and would like to be able to provide <br /> additional funds to them for the congregate meal programs. Commissioner Rowland also felt <br /> that the Axis Medical Care for Low Income Residents and Tri- Valley Haven's Sojourner House <br /> Homeless Shelter should be considered if additional funds became available. Commissioner <br /> Nagler agreed with these recommendations. Ms. Yurchak suggested the Commission prioritize <br /> these recommendations and if extra funds become available, staff will bring the item back for <br /> consideration. Commissioner Lambert asked that the Grief Support Center for Hope Hospice <br /> also be considered. <br /> The Commission reviewed the list of agencies and suggested that additional CDBG funds be <br /> apportioned according to the funding recommendations that have been made and that the <br /> following prioritization be used should additional City funding be made available: <br /> App. #1023 Spectrum Congregate Meals for Seniors in Pleasanton <br /> App. #1001 Axis Community Health Medical Care for Low- Income Residents <br /> App. #1020 Tri Valley Haven Sojourner House Homeless Shelter <br /> App. #1012 Hope Hospice, Inc. Grief Support Center <br /> A motion was made by Chairperson Kennedy, seconded by Commissioner Nagler, <br /> recommending funding for the FY 2010 HHSG Program as stated in the staff report with a <br /> recommendation that should additional CDBG funds become available that they be apportioned <br /> according to the funding recommendations that have been made, and that if additional City <br /> funds become available that they be allocated according to the preceding prioritization <br /> recommended by the Commission. <br /> ROLL CALL VOTE: <br /> AYES: Commissioners Lambert, Nagler, Rowland, Wilson and Chairperson Kennedy. <br /> NOES: None <br /> ABSENT: Commissioner Detweiler <br /> ABSTAIN: None <br /> Commissioner Nagler felt this had been a great first attempt at the new funding process and <br /> would make it easier for the City Council to review. Ms. Yurchak and Mr. Erickson indicated that <br /> they would like to conduct an evaluation of the process at the April meeting. Mr. Erickson <br /> suggested Commissioners consider some of the tools that were used during the process. He <br /> also suggested that information be collected from the agencies to determine how they <br /> considered the process. Chairperson Kennedy suggested they be asked to state how they felt <br /> about not having to do presentations. <br /> Human Services Commission Minutes <br /> March 3, 2010 <br /> Page 11 <br />