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Once sufficient funding is available for this project, Axis anticipates that it will take between 4 -6 <br /> weeks for it to be installed and staff to be trained on how it works. <br /> The Arc of Alameda County, Alternative Ventures Program Tri- Valley, Dick Fitzmaurice <br /> advised that funding was being sought to enable the organization to offer an alternative program <br /> that would provide those with intellectual and developmental disabilities a wide variety of quality <br /> activities, jobs, and recreational opportunities within the community. Mr. Fitzmaurice advised <br /> that The Arc offers life skills, vocational training and jobs to people with disabilities. Clients are <br /> matched with "individual placement" jobs that are suitable for their areas of disability. He <br /> informed the Commission that The Arc will be bringing this program to the Tri Valley area even if <br /> there is difficulty getting all of the desired funding. <br /> Commissioner Rowland questioned whether the program was based on a similar program being <br /> used in other areas. Mr. Fitzmaurice advised that a similar program was being provided in <br /> Union City and the goal is to allow those with disabilities to be able to get out and do more <br /> things. Commissioner Rowland felt it would be beneficial to try and involve members of the <br /> disabled community with cultural events, i.e. shows, etc. <br /> The DINE Corporation, Women in Transition Workshop, Enid Thompson discussed recent <br /> problems with the economy that have affected real estate and mortgage situations. She advised <br /> that funding was being requested to provide assistance to women who are in financial transition <br /> by offering help, strategies, and counseling. <br /> Ms. Thompson discussed the staff recommendation not to fund this request because specific <br /> information was missing from the application. She advised that she thought that the information <br /> had been provided and that she had spoken to Mr. Erickson prior to the beginning of this <br /> meeting about this problem. She asked the Commission to reconsider the DINE funding request <br /> based on this information. <br /> Chairperson Kennedy indicated that the Commission was only able to make its funding <br /> recommendation based on the information that had been provided to them. <br /> Commissioner Nagler commented on a funding request made by this organization a couple of <br /> years ago. He felt that the challenge of the Commission now was recommending allocations <br /> based on the information with which it had been provided. Commissioner Nagler indicated that <br /> the Commission was committed to allocating funds for new programs, but it appeared to him that <br /> the request was no different than that which had been made before. Ms. Thompson felt that the <br /> information provided in the DINE applications met all of the funding requirements. <br /> Commissioner Rowland discussed with Mr. Erickson how the Commission should proceed with <br /> this request, since it had not been provided with a complete copy of the applicant's applications. <br /> Mr. Erickson advised that staff had been provided additional information by Ms. Thompson this <br /> evening. However, a narrative was missing from the original submission. <br /> Human Services Commission Minutes <br /> March 3, 2010 <br /> Page 3 <br />