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3. Public Participation <br /> There were none. <br /> PUBLIC HEARINGS AND OTHER MATTERS <br /> 4. Recommendation to allocate Housing and Human Services Grant (HHSG) Funds for <br /> Fiscal Year 2010 (2010 -2011) <br /> Mr. Erickson reviewed with the Commission a PowerPoint presentation outlining the Housing <br /> and Human Services Grant (HHSG) Funding Program. He added that this new program would <br /> allow the City Council to review all funding requests at the same time. The Commission was <br /> also informed that the City anticipates receiving a 7% increase in CDBG funding from HUD over <br /> what was allocated for the previous year. Funding recommendations made by the Commission <br /> are tentatively scheduled to be reviewed by the City Council on April 20, 2010. <br /> Mr. Erickson advised that a total of 30 applications had been received for funding under this new <br /> program for a total funding request of $1,111,647. The allocation of HOME and Lower Income <br /> Housing Funds will be reviewed by the Housing Commission at its March 18, 2010 meeting. <br /> The Commission was informed that staff had reviewed all of the funding requests and had <br /> provided an analysis and funding recommendations for the Commission to consider. Staff also <br /> provided Commissioners with a history of funding through the CDBG program for the years 2007 <br /> through 2009. Mr. Erickson also reviewed with the Commission the results of the composite <br /> ranking based on HHSG program criteria. <br /> Chairperson Kennedy thanked Mr. Erickson for his presentation and the information provided, <br /> and felt it had been very informative and helpful for the Commission. She then proceeded to <br /> open the meeting for presentations from the agencies, noting that the Commission is primarily <br /> interested in hearing from agencies with new projects, or those that have never applied for grant <br /> funds in the past. <br /> The meeting was opened for presentations at 4:20 p.m. <br /> Axis Community Health, Automated Patient Messaging System, Sue Compton thanked the <br /> Commission for its continued support of Axis programs. She advised that the funding requested <br /> was for a new telephone teleminder that would automatically make phone calls to remind <br /> patients of appointments, provide them with info about lab results, etc. This system would <br /> reduce the amount of staff time currently needed to do these things, and would then allow staff <br /> to do other more important things. <br /> Ms. Compton informed Commissioners that the total cost of this teleminder system is <br /> approximately $18,000, and an allocation of $4,000 has been received from the City of Dublin. <br /> Funding requests to the Tri- Valley cities was based on the number of people that Axis serves <br /> from each city. <br /> Human Services Commission Minutes <br /> March 3, 2010 <br /> Page 2 <br />