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4,838 to 4,341. <br /> Since 2003, the literally homeless population declined by 15%. <br /> Every region of the County showed a reduction of literally homeless families with minor <br /> children. <br /> The total population remained fairly flat from 2003 2005, with major gains beginning in <br /> 2005, showing a 6% reduction in 2007, and a 10% reduction in 2009. <br /> Chronically Homeless <br /> Countywide, 231 homeless unaccompanied, disabled people (chronically homeless) moved off <br /> the streets and out of shelters into permanent supportive housing and other permanent housing <br /> since 2007 a reduction of 18 The current chronically homeless population is 1,026. <br /> This year's decrease was the largest ever in the County, far exceeding the 3% reduction from <br /> 2005 to 2007. <br /> Hidden Homeless <br /> Since this data was last collected in 2003, the number of hidden homeless (living temporarily <br /> with a friend or relative, in a motel, or facing eviction within seven days) has increased by more <br /> than two and a half times. <br /> From January 2003 to January 2009, the point -in -time hidden homeless population increased <br /> from 1,134 to 3,042 people. <br /> The hidden homeless population is three quarters as large as the literally homeless <br /> population. <br /> Characteristics of the Homeless Population <br /> As shown in Table 6, homelessness exists throughout the County but it is concentrated in Oakland: <br /> Oakland -2,091 (48 Berkeley -680 (19 Other North -433 (10 Mid County -385 (9 <br /> South 564 (13 and East 186 (4%). <br /> Strategic Plan FY2010 FY2014 <br /> City of Pleasanton <br /> Page 22 <br />