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illness over the next 15 years. <br /> Deliver flexible services to support stability and independence. Culturally competent, <br /> coordinated support services must accompany housing. Direct service providers in all <br /> systems throughout the county must have a degree of knowledge about and access to a range <br /> of housing resources and supportive services. <br /> Measure success and report outcomes. Evaluating outcomes will allow systems and <br /> agencies to identify successful programs and target resources toward best practices. <br /> Develop long -term leadership and build political will. The goals of EveryOne Home will <br /> only be achieved by developing a long -term leadership structure that can sustain systems <br /> change activities. Implementation of this plan will also require building and sustaining <br /> political and community support for its vision and activities. <br /> For more detailed information please refer to the EveryOne Horne website: <br /> Estimated Numbers of Homeless People in Alameda County <br /> As required by HUD, Alameda County conducts a research study every two years to count how many <br /> people are homeless in the county and several key characteristics of those who are unhoused. Field <br /> work and surveys will generate a report that presents data crossing two variables: <br /> Homeless status (unsheltered, sheltered in emergency and transitional housing, other <br /> homeless situations). <br /> Enumeration and subpopulations (counts of total persons, number of households with <br /> children, number of households without children, chronically homeless singles, severe <br /> mental illness, chronic substance abuse, veterans, HIV /AIDS, domestic violence, <br /> unaccompanied youth under the age of 18). <br /> In 2003 and 2009 Alameda County conducted a more extensive study that produces data for <br /> geographic regions of the county (regions include countywide, Oakland, Berkeley, other north <br /> county, mid county, south county, and east county). The broader study also allows us to count those <br /> who make up the hidden homeless: households who are living temporarily with friends, relatives, or <br /> in a motel who do not have the resources to move into housing and have been notified that the <br /> situation is short-term; or households that are facing eviction within 7 days. <br /> Key findings from the 2009 count included: <br /> Literally Homeless <br /> People who are residing on the streets, places not meant for human habitation, in shelters or in <br /> transitional housing programs (the "literally homeless decreased by 10% since 2007, from <br /> Strategic Plan FV2010 FY2014 <br /> City of Pleasanton <br /> Page 21 <br />