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Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority <br /> Special Transportation for Seniors and People with Disabilities <br /> 3. Implement the fair and provide an evaluation for future events. <br /> Outcome V <br /> Discuss with Community Resources for Independent Living RII, options for the development <br /> of a volunteer escort program for ADA riders. <br /> Tasks to include: <br /> 1. Coordinate with CRIL to have a representative speak to the PPS <br /> Task Force members about this possible volunteer opportunity. <br /> During this fiscal year, the PPS staff organized the Fifth Annual Transit Fair on March 17, <br /> 2010, including representatives from PPS, Pleasanton Travel Ambassadors, Wheels, BART, <br /> ACTIA, Senior Support Transportation Program, Carfit, AARP Mature Driving Program, <br /> and ACE train. Speakers from DMV and Alameda County Fall Prevention Program were on <br /> hand to provide valuable information on safe driving skills. WHEELS provided ADA <br /> certification information, as well as information on Regional Transit Cards. <br /> PPS Volunteer Travel Ambassadors are now in place and providing regular travel training <br /> sessions. The part time PPS Dispatcher oversees this program and works with LAVTA to <br /> provide on -going training and support to the volunteers. Expanded marketing and <br /> promotional efforts are being made to increase awareness of the program. <br /> DTR services were expanded to provide daily service to the local senior housing complexes <br /> which was the highest need expressed by the riders through customer evaluations. Service <br /> hours were expanded to accommodate later service and new flex stops were added to the <br /> route to accommodate more stops. The 23 passenger bus went into service in September <br /> 2009 and PPS drivers were provided additional training to meet the needs of this new bus. <br /> Senior Support Programs of the Tri Valley staff provided case management services as part <br /> of the Rider Assessment Service for those most frail riders. This team effort has been very <br /> successful for not only the clients but for the PPS staff. Referrals are completed between the <br /> PPS Door -to -Door Program and Senior Support's Transportation Program which allows for <br /> the rider to use the most appropriate transit option. <br /> 20. NEEDS IDENTIFICATION <br /> What needs or priorities have been identified that will be met by proposed service <br /> changes? <br /> What needs or priorities will still not be met even after implementing proposed service <br /> changes? <br /> How many potential riders do you estimate will use this service this coming fiscal year? <br /> Response: <br /> Page 13 of 22 <br />