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integrity of this portion of the easement to accommodate the weight of <br />a Type 3 fire vehicle. <br />o In the event that the City of Pleasanton and Roberts are unable to <br />agree on the relocation of the existing easement, its width(s), or the <br />surface materials thereof, then the project developer shall improve the <br />existing easement to the satisfaction of the City of Pleasanton. The <br />project developer shall also construct an electronically controlled gate, <br />as approved by the City of Pleasanton, at or near the common property <br />line between the project site and the Grey Eagle Estates subdivision to <br />prevent the egress of persons and vehicles from the project site to that <br />subdivision. That portion of the fire access road from Court 3 to the <br />Grey Eagle Estates property line shall be crushed granite or similar <br />material. <br />d. The project developer shall submit with the first final subdivision map an <br />Urban/Wildland Interface Fire Management Plan (UWIFMP) including a <br />wildland/urban interface risk assessment prepared by a qualified forester <br />covering the private lot landscape and building designs and open space area <br />for review and approval by the Fire Marshall. The UWIFMP shall include the <br />following: <br />Define on a lot by lot basis the construction methodology to protect the <br />exposure on all sides of a home that would be exposed to a wildland fire <br />including, but not limited to, fire-safe exterior building and roof materials, <br />buffer setbacks from natural grass areas, and the measures adopted <br />under the City's Wildland/Urban Interface Ordinance. <br />The buffer setback shall be measured from the property lines for each lot <br />and from the public streets, private streets, and private driveways. Buffer <br />areas projected onto the publicly owned open space areas shall be <br />covered by an easement shown on the final subdivision maps worded to <br />the satisfaction of the City Attorney before the final map approval. The <br />project developer shall maintain the buffer areas until the maintenance is <br />assumed by the HOA or by the GHAD on public land or by the lot owner <br />on the private lots. <br />• Define the types of landscaping types, green belts, non-combustible deck <br />construction and/or limitations on combustible deck construction, and <br />other unique requirements that will enhance the fire protection and <br />defensible space around the home. <br />• Define the measures required to protect the existing neighborhoods on the <br />north and west sides of the development covered by this approval from <br />wildland fires. <br />• Define the measures required to protect the future trails' system in the <br />open space areas. <br />Exhibit B Page 25 of 39 Ordinance No. 1961 <br />PUD-33, Oak Grove <br />