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PTR-2 <br />~. .~ <br />chains to the common corner of said Plot it and Plot 12 of said Pleasanton <br />Homesteads; thence in a southwesterly direction along the southeasterly line <br />of said Plot 12 of said Pleasanton Homesteads, 2.73 chains to the most <br />southerly corner of said Plot 12 and the most easterly corner of Plot 16 of <br />said Pleasanton Homesteads; thence in a southwesterly direction along the <br />most easterly line of said Plot 16 of said Pleasanton Homesteads, 2.08 <br />chains to the northeasterly corner of Plot 17 of said Pleasanton <br />Homesteads; thence along the easterly line of said Plot 17 of said <br />Pleasanton Homesteads, south 32-1/4° west 11.76 chains to the division line <br />between said Plot 3 and Plot 42 of said partition of the Rancho El Valle de <br />San Jose; thence along the last mentioned division line between said Plots <br />3 and 42 of said partition of the Rancho E1 Va11e de San Jose south 70-1/2° <br />east 20.50 chains to a point in said last mentioned division line; thence <br />still along the said last mentioned division line between said Plots 3 and <br />42 of said partition of the Rancho E1 Yalle de San Jose, south 71° 10' east <br />6.54 chains to the northeastern corner of said Plot 42 of said partition of <br />the Rancho E1 Valle de San Jose; thence along the easterly line of said <br />Plot 42 which line is also the division line between said Plots 42 and 3, <br />of said partition of the Rancho E1 Valle de San Jose, south 31.14 chains to <br />the point of beginning. <br />PARCEL TWO: <br />Being a portion of Plot 4 of the Rancho E1 Valle de San Jose, as shown upon <br />the Map accompanying the Referee's Report in partition in the Case of <br />Augustus Bernal, et al., vs Juan Pablo Bernal, et al., in the District <br />Court of the Third Judicial District of the State of California, in and for <br />the County of Alameda, and commencing at the southwest corner of said Plot <br />4 and running thence north 778 feet; thence southeasterly 1242 feet to a <br />point in the south line of Bald Plot 4, distant thereon 820 feet easterly <br />from the southwest corner of said Plot 4; thence westerly along said last <br />named line, 820 feet to the point of commencement. <br />Excepting from Parcels One and Two above the following: <br />1) Those portions thereof lying within the parcel of land described in the <br />Deed from Ann Marie Mix and Howard C. Hansen to Land Development b <br />Investment Co., recorded April 2, 1963, Series No. AU/55416. <br />2) All that certain real property, situate in the County of Alameda, State of <br />California, being a portion of Plot 3 and a portion of Plot 4 of the Bernal <br />Portion of the Rancho el Valle de San Jose, described as follows: <br />Beginning at the northeast corner of Plot 42 of said Bernal Portion, corner <br />being also the northeast corner of lands shown and delineated on the Record <br />of Survey map filed October 10, 1963 in Book 5 of Record of Surveys at Page <br />15; thence south 71° 10' east along the southeasterly extension of the <br />northeastern line of said Plot 42 a distance of 993.42 feet to a point on <br />the southwestern line of Lot 2, as said lot is shown on the Map of the <br />Property of J.A. Rose filed in Book 7 at Page 50, Alameda County Records, <br />FIRST AMERIC.4'~ TITLE ~~~ ~ ®' ~ ~,~ ` <br />