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PTR•2 <br />/~ <br />x. <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />REAL PROPERTY in the Township of Pleasanton, County of Alameda, State of <br />California, described as follows: <br />PARCEL 1: <br />Beginning at the common corner of Plots 3, 40 and 42 of the partition of <br />the Rancho E1 Valle de San Jose, as shown and delineated upon the Map <br />accompanying the report of the referees in partition in the action of <br />Augustine Bernal, et al., vs Juan Pablo Bernal, et al., in the District <br />Court of the Third Judicial District of the State of California, in and for <br />the County of Alameda; running thence along the division line dividing said <br />Plot 3, from said Plot 40 and Plot 39, of said partition of the Rancho E1 <br />Valle de San Jose south 52° 24' east 149.26 chains to the southwestern <br />corner of that certain 1423.42 acre tract first described in that certain <br />Deed from Mary Refugie Bernal de Kottinger to T. W. Harris, bearing <br />date April 28, 1895 and of record in the office of the County Recorder of <br />the said County of Alameda, in Book 572 of Deed, Page 197; thence along the <br />westerly boundary line of said 1423.42 acre tract, north 109.91 chains to <br />the northwesterly corner of said 1423.42 acre tract in the division line <br />between said Plot 3 and Plot 4 of said partition--of the Rancho E1 Valle de <br />San Jose; thence along the said division line between said Plots 3 and 4 of <br />said partition of the Rancho E1 Valle de San Jose, west 109.56 chains to <br />the southwesterly corner of said Plot 4 of said partition of the Rancho E1 <br />Valle de San Jose; thence along the division line between said Plots 3 and <br />4 of said partition of the Rancho E1 Valle de San Jose, north 23.22 chains <br />to the southeasterly corner of Plot No. 7 of Pleasanton Homesteads, <br />according to a Map entitled, "Map of Pleasanton Homesteads, surveyed-Jan. <br />1884 for J. W. Kottinger, Esq., by Louis Castro, C. E.", of record in the <br />office of the County Recorder of said County of Alameda, in Book 6 of Maps, <br />page 30; thence in a northwesterly direction along the southerly line of <br />said Plot 7 of Pleasanton Homesteads, 8.12 chains to the southwesterly <br />corner of said Plot 7, and the southeasterly corner of Plot 8 of said <br />Pleasanton Homesteads; thence in a northwesterly direction along the <br />southerly line of said Plot 8 of said Pleasanton Homesteads, 2.48 chains to <br />a point in the said southerly line of said Plot 8; thence in a <br />northwesterly direction along the southerly line of said Plot 8, of said <br />Pleasanton Homesteads 2.41 chains to the southwesterly corner of said Plot <br />8 and the southeasterly corner of Plot 9 of said Pleasanton Homesteads; <br />thence in a northwesterly direction along the southerly line of said Plot 9 <br />of said Pleasanton Homesteads, 4.76 chains to the southwesterly corner of <br />said Plot 9 and the southeasterly corner of Plot 10 of said Pleasanton <br />Homesteads; thence in a northwesterly direction along the southerly line of <br />said Plot 10 of said Pleasanton Homesteads, 5.84 chains to the <br />southwesterly corner of said Plot 10 and the southeasterly corner of Plot <br />11 of said Pleasanton Homesteads; thence in a northwesterly direction along <br />the southerly line of said Plot 11 of said Pleasanton Homesteads, 5.84 <br />FIRST AMERICAS TITLE ~~~' ~'~ ~~ I <br />