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PTR-2 <br />~ ~ <br />point being on the southwestern line of lands shown and delineated on <br />Record of Survey No. 235 filed July 2i, 1965 in Book 5 of Record of Surveys <br />at Page 72; thence south 43° 44' east along said southwestern line of <br />distance of 684.03 feet to the southern line of said Plot 4; thence south <br />89° 43' east along said southern line a distance of 2070.00 feet; thence <br />leaving said southern line south 24° 00' east, 400.00 feet; thence south <br />46° 00' east, 355.00 feet; thence south 29° 00' west, 525.00 feet; thence <br />south 61° 00' east, 294.00 feet; thence south 16° 30' west, 720.00 feet; <br />thence south 22° 00' east, 235.00 feet; thence south 17° 30' west, 875.00 <br />feet; thence south 70° 00' west, 570.00 feet; thence south 44° 00' west, <br />302.8 feet, more or less, to the southwestern line of said Plot 3; thence <br />along said southwestern line north 52° 24' west, 3508.1 feet and north 0° <br />02' 05" east, 2054.01 feet to the point of beginning. <br />3) Those portions thereof contained in the Quitclaim Deed from Jennifer <br />Lin and Frederic Lin to Westbrook Housing Group, recorded November 14, <br />1989, Series No. 89-307274, Official Records, described as follows: <br />A) All that land lying north of the northerly boundary of Tract 5721 <br />"Kottinger Ranch Unit No. 1", City of Pleasanton, Alameda County, State of <br />California, as recorded in Book 179, Pages 75-80 of Maps, Official Records <br />of Alameda County, and north of the easterly extension of the northerly <br />boundary of Tract 5721 and lying south of the southerly boundaries of <br />Tract 2629 as recorded in Book 49, Pages i6-22 of Maps, Official Records, <br />Alameda County, Tract 3098 as recorded in Book 71, Pages 59-63 of Maps, <br />Official Records of Alameda County and Tract 3329 as recorded in Book 71, <br />Pages 82-86 of Maps, Official Records of Alameda County, and bounded on the <br />east by the southerly extension of the easterly line of Lot 51, Tract 3329. <br />B) All that land lying north of the easterly extension of the northerly <br />boundary of Tract 5721 "Kottinger Ranch Unit No. 1", City of Pleasanton, <br />Alameda County, State of California, as recorded in Book 179, Pages 75-80 <br />of Maps, Official Records of Alameda County, and south of the southerly <br />boundary of Parcel A, Tract 4771 as shown on amended map filed February 27, <br />1985, in Book 150 of Maps, Page 63, Official Records of Alameda County and <br />bounded on the west by the southerly extension of the easterly line of Lot <br />51, Tract 3329 as recorded in Book 71, Pages 82-88 of Maps, Official <br />Records of Alameda County and bounded on the east by the northerly <br />extension of the easterly boundary of lands of Westbrook Housing Group, a <br />portion of Plot 3 and Plot 4 of the Bernal Portion of Rancho E1 Valle De San <br />Jose, and described in a deed recorded June 16, 1988, Recorder's Series No. <br />88-144738, Official Records of Alameda County. <br />4) That portion thereof conveyed to the City of Pleasanton by Deed <br />recorded July 22, 1991, Series No. 91-188542, Official Records. <br />EXH~~iT l~--I <br />FIRST A~IERIC.-1~ TITLE <br />