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5.CONSENT CALENDAR <br />There were no Consent Calendar items. <br />6.PUBLIC HEARINGS AND OTHER MATTERS <br />b.PRZ-48, City of Pleasanton <br />Application for rezoning on three sites in Hacienda Business Park from <br />the PUD-I/C-O (Planned Unit Development – Industrial-Commercial / <br />Office) District to PUD-MU (Planned Unit Development – Mixed Use) <br />District; and to change the Hacienda land use designation from Mixed <br />Office, Research and Development/Light Manufacturing Planning <br />District (MOIPD) to Mixed Commercial, Office, Research and <br />Development/Light Manufacturing Residential District (MCOIRPD). The <br />three sites are: (1) The W.P. Carey site (Hacienda Site 7G), at the <br />southeast corner of Owens Drive and Willow Road (Assessor’s Parcel <br />No. 941-2778-013-00 and part of APN 941-2778-012-00), approximately <br />11 acres; (2) The BRE site (Hacienda Site 7E), at the north corner of <br />Hacienda Drive and Gibraltar Drive (APN 941-2778-011-00), <br />approximately 8.2 acres; and (3) The Roche Molecular Systems site (a <br />portion of Hacienda Site 6), south of Gibraltar Drive between Willow <br />Road and Hacienda Drive (a portion of APN 941-2761-003-00), about 12.4 <br />acres (of the approximate 33.4-acre Roche site). Rezoning of the above <br />sites would potentially allow the future development of up to <br />approximately 1,030 residential units, although future residential <br />development would be deferred until the preparation and adoption of a <br />Major Modification to the Hacienda PUD rezoning. <br />Also consider the Negative Declaration prepared for the project. <br />Janice Stern presented the staff report and described the background, the sites <br />proposed for rezoning, and the key elements of the application. <br />Commissioner Olson referred to a slide that referenced “good cause to proceed earlier” <br />on the rezonings. He inquired if the reason for good cause was due to pending <br />litigation. <br />Mr. Roush said no. He stated that the property owners have expressed a willingness to <br />participate fully in the PUD modification process which may take more than a year. He <br />added that staff anticipates the PUD modification process will be complete before <br />development on the three sites moves ahead. He noted, however, that if the PUD <br />modification stalls, there should be an opportunity for property owners to demonstrate <br />good cause to proceed ahead of the PUD adoption. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 23, 2009 Page 3 of 34 <br /> <br />