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City of Pleasanton
PC 092309
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Commissioner Blank noted that one of the PowerPoint slides stated that the rezoning is <br />moving ahead of the PUD process because of pending litigation. He inquired what the <br />nexus was between the rezonings and the litigation. <br />Mr. Roush replied that one of the causes of action in the pending litigation is the fact <br />that the City has not implemented Program 19.1 of the Housing Element, which <br />provides that the City will do the land use studies and then rezone sufficient property to <br />accommodate its regional housing need for the 1999-2009 planning period. He noted <br />that the City acknowledged that it is in the process of doing this but needs to complete <br />the General Plan first. He added that the General Plan has now been completed, and <br />the City has arrived at a General Plan designation that would allow property to be <br />rezoned. He explained that this is what this rezoning is intended to do; it does not <br />require, compel, or result in residential development being built in the near-term on the <br />sites or at all, but makes that opportunity available as identified in Program 19.1. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br />Bo Tian stated that he moved to Pleasanton in 1997 and that the value of his house has <br />dropped by 20 percent since. He indicated that he wants to make sure the quietness of <br />their neighborhood will remain so that his young children are able to enjoy it. He <br />expressed concern about the plummeting housing prices and loss of property values in <br />the last three years. He cited the State’s budget crisis and the shortage of educational <br />funds and inquired how the school district will accommodate children from the additional <br />1,000 apartment units. He voiced concern regarding Pleasanton schools’ ranking <br />dropping from 9 to 11 and asked that a full study be done on the consequences and <br />negative impacts of building more units on population, schools, environment, traffic <br />congestion, and property values. <br />Steve Bursley stated that at the City Council-Planning Commission Joint Workshop he <br />attended a year ago, a decision was reached to form a joint task force. He noted that <br />such task force has not been formed and that the questions raised at that time have <br />remained answered. He indicated that he finds it difficult to understand how the <br />rezoning can move forward without the process agreed upon in place. <br />Kyong Suk McGough stated that she moved to Pleasanton in 1997 and cited problems <br />from nearby apartment developments. She noted that building more units would result <br />in a negative impact on schools and added that she did not want her property value to <br />go down. <br />Shenggao Li stated that he moved to Pleasanton in 2002 because he found it to be a <br />nice city with a low crime rate. He indicated that he considered moving to the Santa <br />Clara area because it was closer to his office, but he could not find a place comparable <br />to Pleasanton. He added that he is proud of Pleasanton schools because they are <br />good. He noted that building high density houses would make Pleasanton look like <br />Dublin and that investors rather than future homeowners would be purchasing the units. <br />He expressed concern that these investors would rent the units out to people with <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES, September 23, 2009 Page 4 of 34 <br /> <br />
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