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OCT 1933 TO MAY 1946
City of Pleasanton
DEC 1923 TO MAY 1954
OCT 1933 TO MAY 1946
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future where they would hold the municipality responsible for the licenses that it <br />issued as regards restaurants. The Clerk advised that in the March meeting he <br />would brig in a list for the approval of the Council 'as regards restaurant, <br />licensesS,v issued for the quarter beginning April first. <br />Councilman Ma.dsen,of the Public committee, reported that the <br />sewer project had been submitted the S.E.R.A. and the Clerk being advised with <br />regards,to it being given approval at the Oakland headquarters. The Council <br />ordered that the pipe needed at the Sever Farm and for drainage projects should <br />be ordered by Councilman Olesen and Madsen when needed. In connection with <br />this pipe, Councilman Olesen suggested a meeting with Mr. Petersen of the <br />California Pottery Company of Niles relative to its being ordered. <br />Councilman Olesen of the Street and Building committee reported that <br />street signs had been secured and would shortly be placed. Same concerned <br />McKinley Park and a blind street. M.M.Rodrigues was called upon by Councilman <br />Olesen to give a report on S.E.R.A. activities during the past month -which he <br />did. Also Councilman Olesen asked the Clerk to report on a visit which he <br />had made with him to San Leandro on January 31st. The clerk, in his report, <br />read a l.etter'from City Manager Pelton of San Leandro to City Manager, Hollis <br />R. Thompsen of Berkeley in which the cost of the curb and gutter projects at <br />San Leandro were outlined. Discussion among the Councilmen followed relative <br />to the curb and gutter project for Pleasanton. Councilman Amaral brought out <br />certain conditions on Third Street as regards street work and curb and gutter <br />particularly in the vicinity of the Harris property. Councilman Olesen assured <br />the Council that all the property owners on the west side of the street would <br />be interested in putting in the curb and gutter. It was decided by the Council <br />that within the next few days the street and gutter situation within the <br />municipality should be gone over and if the property owners were willing -that <br />S.E.R.A projects be submitted. Mr. Henry Cook was in the audience and expressed <br />satisfaction at having the project taken up and assured the Council that numerous <br />property owners were anxious to see it taken care of. <br />Councilman Amaral of the Laws and Judiciary Committee reported that he had <br />nothing to bring up. <br />Councilman Rivolta of the Fiance Committee likewise had nothing to report. <br />Councilman Olesen spoke with regards to securing some engineering equipment. <br />He drew attention to the fact that at times certain levels were needed and <br />other work done and he felt that the town should have some inexpensive <br />equipment for this purpose. Councilman Madsen suggested that when an official <br />grade had to be established and regular engineering activities carried on that <br />the employing of a regular engineer for the .work would probably save the town <br />considerable expense. The Council decided that Councilman Olesen should <br />procure such equipment as he -Chought would be needed and of course at a nominal <br />cost. <br />The following resolution was then introduced: <br />RESOLUTION No. 1535 -- Authorizing the payment of the salaries of the municipal <br />officers for the month of January and amounting to X745.00. <br />Action on the resolutions were then taken as folaows: <br />Resolution No. 1535 -- Adopted on motion of Councilman Madsen, seconded by <br />Councilman Amaral and with all t he Councilmen in favor of <br />same. <br />There being no' further business the mee ing adjourned at 9:40 o'clock <br />to meet i in regular session on Yond evening, arch 4, 1935 at 7 :30 o'clock. <br />Approved: CLERK <br />Pleasanton, California, February 18, 1935. <br />The Town Council of the Town of Pleasanton was called to order at 7 o'clock, <br />in special session, on the above written date by Mayor Thos. Orloff. Present at <br />roll call were: Councilmen Madsen, Rivolta, amaral, Olesen and Orloff. <br />The I 'v1ayor brought to the attention .of the councilmen that the meeting had <br />been called to consider the ordering of sewer pipe and some other matters which <br />should be taken care of in advance of the next regular monthly meeting on <br />March 4th. <br />During the discussion of the pipe matter Councilman Iviadsen advised that he <br />had ordered the sewer pipe necessary at the sewer farm. Prices regarding <br />drainage pipe as submitted by Gatting Bros. of San Jose were considered. <br />The matter of ordering same was permitted Councilman Olesen. The Clerk advised <br />the Board that those in charge of S.E.R.A had advised that they would 'be willing <br />to start at the sewer farm at any time. <br />W� <br />
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