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1116 <br />Claim No. 325 -- Pleasanton Electric Co., supplies $3.85 <br />326 - -Hall Warehouse Company, supplies 9:53 <br />327 - -A.' B. Pickard, supplies (gravel) 5.50 <br />328 - -Geo. Hansen, supplies etc. 8.03 <br />329 -- Pleasanton Times,'printing 1.50 <br />330--Chas. 1J1. Hammond, painting, S igr_s 4.50 <br />331-- J.H.Idunatz, supplies .36 <br />332 -- Pacific Telephone Co. phone calls .90 <br />333 -- Standard Oil 8 ompany, supplies 34.21 <br />334 -- Mueller Co., supplies 17.27 <br />335 - -R.A. Hansen, supplies 30.14 <br />336 -- Kaiser Paving Company, gravel 2.77 <br />These claims were referred to the finance committee for audit and report. <br />The clerk then read the following reports of the municipal officers: <br />Water Department: -- Showing that water had been turned on at 9 places and off <br />at 8 places. Changed four services on Augustine Street to clear Storm Sewer, <br />changed three meters, reconditioned eight meters. Report showed that there <br />were 416 taps in town and 37 outside of town. There were 485 taps in town <br />(On 422, Off 63) and 45 services outside of town (On 40, Off 5), total number <br />of services 530. The report showed the expenses of the department being <br />1312.37 and the income 9"731.85; leaving a total over and above expenses of <br />419.48. The total number of gallons of water pumped at Pump #1 was 2;:$98;800, <br />gallons and 150,000 gallons pumped from Pump #2. The total number of hours <br />pumping at Pump #1 was 931 hours, and 6 hours pumping at pump 77 2. The report <br />also showed that 750,000 gallons of water was pumped from Pleasanton Water <br />District, <br />Town Clerk: -- Showing that he had delivered to the Marshal 428 water bills for <br />collection amounting to $951.45 and 71 licenses amounting to $1416.00. Report <br />showed that the Treasurer had on hand at the time of last report $9955.15, and <br />since then the following collections had been made: Licenses from Marshal, <br />$820.00; Taxes from Marshal $49.39; mater from marshal $675.75; Milk Inspection <br />Fees from Marshal $32.35; Fees from Recorder's Court §30.00;'From Town Clerk: <br />Special P.G.&E. street work $10.00; 1933 -34 Personal roperty Taxes $14.56; <br />1934 -35 Personal Property Taxes 0124.32, total $11,711.52, less amount of <br />warrants issued January 7, 1935 1391.42, leaving a cash balance in the <br />hands of the Treasurer of $10 320.10. This was divided as follows: General <br />Fund $7704.09; Water Deposit Fund (47.50; not included as part of $10320.10) <br />Water. Bond Fund 510.45;1929 Municipal Improvement Bond Fund $1006.89; <br />Municipal Improvement Bond Fund $ 1089 .84 ;VA:�#„u/YAd4od.a88�P. <br />Su erintendent of Streets:- Showing that work on the streets had amounted to <br />46.63 during the month of January, 1935. <br />Town Marshal: -- Showing that he had received water bills from the Clerk amounting <br />to ;951.45; that he collected water bills amounting to $675.75 and returned <br />water bills amounting to $275.70. He collected licenses amounting to $820.00 <br />as follows: 1934 -35 Licenses: 4 Licenses @ $100.00-- $KOO.00; 2 Licenses Q <br />$2000 - - 40.00; 23 Licenses r, $16.00 -- '368.00; 1933 -34 Licenses: 1 License <br />@ $i2.00 -- 12.00. <br />Treasurer: -- Showing that the Water Deposit Fund had $47.50 per last report and <br />that no deposits had been collected or returned during the month. Also showing <br />that he had $9955.15 per last report and that collections had amounted to <br />$1756.37 during the month making a total of $11,711.52, less amount of warrants <br />issued $1391.42, leaving a cash balance in the hands of the Treasurer of <br />$10,320.10. <br />City Judge: -- Showing that $30.00 had been collected in fines during the month <br />of January, 1935. <br />Health Officer: - - Showing activities during the month of January, 1935. <br />,Fire Chief: -- Showing activities during the month of January, 1935. <br />Milk Inspector: -- Showing Laboratory Analyses of Milk Samples for January, 1935. <br />Building Inspector: -- Showing two building permits granted during December .Also <br />two building permits for January and two. electrical permits. <br />The reports were referred to the finance committee for examination and <br />report. <br />The following communications were then read: <br />January 9th -- American Legion Auxiliary, thanking the City Council for providing <br />and arranging the tree lights on the Christmas treet in front of <br />the City Hall. <br />Constitutional Rights Association, advising with reference to its <br />activities as regards East Bay Utility District and about which <br />the Council had asked further information. <br />- -City of Albany, advising with reference to resolution passed, <br />seeking information TP-M the East.Bay Utility District. <br />