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OCT 1933 TO MAY 1946
City of Pleasanton
DEC 1923 TO MAY 1954
OCT 1933 TO MAY 1946
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Mr. Frank C. Hanke of Oakland was:' introduced to the Council by the Clerk <br />and Mr. Hanke outlined his proposition to the Pouncil,relative to checking <br />electric and power charges to the municipality by the Pacific Gas & Electric <br />Company and that if his proposition was accepted that'he would exact a 50% <br />fee of the amount saved for -18 months period or a.flat cash settlement. <br />The matter was ordered taken under advisement and Mr. Hanke was advised <br />that the Clerk would let him know later on as to the disposition of the <br />Council. <br />A recess followed during which the finance committee examined Claims <br />No. 222 to 258 inclusive and amounting to $831.08, as well as the officers' <br />monthly reports. Following the recess, after which the meeting had been <br />called to order again, Councilman Rivolta, of the Finance Committee, reported <br />that the committee had approved Claims No. 222 to 258 inclusive excepting <br />Claim-No. 34.00, the latter being in excess of the price that should be <br />charged. Also that Claim No. 220 for 444.93 had been approved. On his motion <br />seconded by- Councilman Madsen and with all the Councilmen present voting in <br />favor of same, the claims were ordered paid. Councilman Rivolta then reported <br />that the finance committee had approved the offcets',monthly Reports and <br />he made a motion that they be placed on file. There being no objections <br />they were ordered f fled. <br />Action on the petition of the residents of Downey Street-was then taken <br />and Attorney Nilson was advised to prepare an ordinance for presentation <br />at the next business meeting relative to the change in name. <br />Councilman Madsen ,of the Public Utilities Committee, submitted to the <br />Council prices on pipe needed at the Sewer Farm 0 secured from the California <br />Pottery Company at Niles. It was decided, after remarks from Mr. Madsen, to continue using the present pipe at the sewer farm as long as same could <br />'be used and that at some future time the matter of new pipe should be decided <br />upon �rihen the new pipe was needed. Mr.1dadsen reported that there had been <br />some comment, a few weeks ago, on the odor at the sewer farm but the condition <br />there had been improved. as the sludge had been cleaned out recently. <br />Councilman Amaral,of the Laws and Judiciary Committee, had nothing to report. <br />Councilman Olesen took up -the �-Ialz.r:eiter matter and questioned Attorney <br />Nilson with regards to the'proceedure necessary in order to put the work through. <br />Attorney Nilson advised that resolution demanding that the work be dune within <br />Ok <br />a certain time would be the first step and then advised concerning the provisions <br />of the Street Improvement Act. The Clerk closed the discussion reporting that <br />he understood-that Mj?.; Holzreiter, intended soon to start the work because he had <br />inquired relative to grading and the official grade. Ivir. Olesen took up the <br />matter of dumping the street rubbish and Iy2r. Rodrigues was called on for a <br />report. Mr. Rodrigues advised that recently Pickard and Mr. Bennett <br />had objected to the town dumping its rubbish along their property as they had <br />other use for same and accordingly he had to secure other grounds. He mentioned <br />various places which he had been using and closed his discussion by suggestion <br />the sewer farm as a temporary dumping ground and that arrangements be made to <br />do something with the Avilla property could it be secured. Idr. Olesen advised <br />that Mr. Joe Rose Jr., had asked permission to remove a tree from the Rose <br />property in the vicinity of the Modern Food Store and that he agreed to plant <br />another tree in its place. Also that Iflr. Rollie Bell had asked permission to <br />remove two trees in front of his home and that he had already planted two trees <br />to take the -places of these when they were removed. ' The opinion of the Council <br />as regards removing trees was such that permission would be granted. where new <br />trees would be planted. .Also the Council expressed itself as being ever willing <br />to encourage property owners to plant trees. Councilman Olesen requested that <br />action be taken relative to SERA projects and discussion among the - ouncilmen <br />followed. It was decided, at the conclusion of the discussion, to meet next <br />Saturday morning at 8 o'clock and go over the streets of the municipality <br />and decided what work could be undertaken. <br />Councilman Rivolta reported that gas had been turned on at the Fire House <br />recently. V <br />Councilman Amaral took up the matter of the expenditures at the sewer farm <br />and sought advice from Councilman Madsen whether or not the amount of °money <br />allowed Mr. Britten to be expended had - bxce.eded or not. Councilman Madsen <br />advised that it had not. Councilman Madsen also spoke with regards to <br />installing a new thermostat which Mr. Britten had asked for, but he had not <br />given an official O:K. to same. It was decided that Mr. Britten should advise <br />what this thermostat would cost. <br />Councilman Rivolta ased that the matter regarding Lair. Hanke be discussed. <br />During the discussion it developed that the municipality could not lose anything <br />by having Mr,. Hanke look into the rates and that after,he had completed his <br />report that it would decide whether to accept same and at that time to make the <br />necessary arrangements to meet his charges etc. The Clerk was instructed to <br />write Mr. Hanke that he might start work at his convenience. <br />The Clerk was given permission to have a set of copies of Ordinance iVo. <br />155, "An ordinance providing a milk inspecting divi,sidn for the maintenance <br />of a milk insroection service to inspect milk, milk products, dairies and dairy <br />herds, and of" places where milk or milk products are produced, handled or sold <br />and regulating the sale, possession and handling of milk, cream and milk products <br />4 <br />
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