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A <br />Claim No. 247 -- Pleasanton Electric Co., supplies $1.50 <br />248 -- Pleasanton Agricultural Works, supplies etc. 1.50 <br />249 -- Pleasanton Fireproof Garage, supplies 4.87 <br />250 -- Pleasanton Fireproof Garage, repairs 1.75 <br />251 -- Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., phone calls 1.15 <br />252-- V.A.Hansen, stove oil 22.96 <br />253-- R.A.Hansen, shellane 10.76 <br />254 - -Lake Erie Chemical Company, supplies 29.78 <br />255 -- Signal QE1 & Gas Company, gasoline 34.00 <br />256 -- Pacific Indemnity Company, Insurance 185.42 <br />257 - -Globe Indemnity Company, premium on bond 10.00 <br />258 -- Southern Alameda County News, printing 7.50 <br />These claims were referred to the finance committee for audit and report. <br />The Clerk then read the following reports of the municipal officers:. <br />Water De artmentt: -- Showing that water had been turned at at 2 places and off <br />at 9 places. Changed two hydrants, 1 meter and 1 valve. dauled sludge from <br />Sewer Farm. Report'showed that there were 414 taps in Town and 37 outside <br />of Town. There were 482 services in Town (On' 418, Off 64) and 45 services <br />outside of Town (On 40, Off 5) , total number of services -527. The report <br />showed the expenses of the deaprtment being 1$352.94, and the income $890.50 <br />leaving a total over and above expenses of 1$537.56. The total number of <br />gallons of water-pumped at Pump #1 was 3,305,600 gallons, and 100,000 gallons <br />pumped at Pump #2. Total hours pumping at Pump irl, 1034 hours, and 4 hours <br />pumping at Pump #Z. Report also showed that 1 water deposit had been collected <br />and one water deposit had been returned during the month. <br />Town Clerk:--Showing that he had delivered to the Marshal 433 water bills for <br />collection amounting to x$1102.90. Report showed that the.Treasurer had on <br />hand at the time of last report $6370.04 and since then the following collections <br />have been made: Licenses from Marshal 1$24.00; Taxes from Marshal $2312.54; <br />Water from 11arshal $839.10; Water Sold Alameda County $12.75; Milk Inspection <br />Fees $34.61 Fees from Recorder's Court, 1$20.00; From Town Clerk: Dance Fees $5.00; <br />Persnnal Property Taxes 1$5.28, making a total of 1$9623.32, less amount of warrants <br />issued November 5, 1934.$1437.31, leaving a cash balance in the hands of the <br />Treasurer of $8186.01. This was divided as follows: General Fund `1$6205.71, <br />Water Bond Fund $496.36; City Hall Bond Fund 1$6.68; 1929 Municipal Improvement. <br />Bond Fund $890.59; Municipal Improvement Bond Fund $586.67. (Special) Water <br />Deposit Fund 1$47.50. <br />Superintendent of Streets: -- Showing that work on the streets had amounted to <br />94.48 during the month of November, 1934. <br />Town Marshal: -- Showing that he had received water bills from the Clerk amounting <br />to +11� 02.90; that he collected water bills amounting-to X839.10 and that he <br />returned water bills in the amount of 1$263.80. He collected licenses amounting <br />to 1$24.00 as follows: 2 licenses @ $12.00 -- 1$24.00, also Milk Inspection fees <br />amounting to $34.61, and First installment of taxes amounting to §1579.40, Second <br />Installments collected $733.14, "making the total taxes collected amounting to <br />$2312.54. <br />Treasurer:-- Showing that the Water Deposit Fund had 1$47.50 per last report and <br />hh at §2.50 had been received during the month making a total of 1$50.00, less <br />1$2.50 paid out, leaving $47.50 in the Special Water Deposit Fund. Also showing <br />that he had'cash on hand at la,.zt report of 1$6370.04 and since then collections <br />had amounted to 1$3253.28, and that payment of town warrants had amounted to <br />1$1437.31, leaving a cash balance__ in the hands of the 'Treasurer of $6370.04. <br />City Judge:-= Showing that $20.00 had been collected in fines during the month <br />of November, 1934. <br />Health Officer : -- Showing activities during the month of November, 1934. <br />Fire Chief: -- Showing activities during the month of November, 1934. <br />Building Inspector: -- Showing that 2 building permits had been granted &nd one <br />electrical permit. <br />Milk Inspector:--Shaving Laboratory Report of Milk Samples for November, 1934. <br />The reports were referred to the finance committee for examination and <br />report . <br />There were no communications to be read. <br />A petition was received from the following residents of Downey Street relative <br />to changing`-the name from Downey Street to Pleasanton Avenue, being that the latter <br />street now extends from Bernal Avenue to Division Street and should be continued <br />under the same name from Division Street to St. Johns Street: H. N. Hansen, Chris <br />Ericksen, Mary E. Stovall, Claude Smallwood, Bessie Helms, R. E.Cope, Fortune Fadie, <br />Randolph W. Apperson Elizabeth A. Apperson, Morris Elsnab, Dorthea Idensel, Mae <br />L. Piccard, and A. L. Pickard. <br />