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x10.9, <br />9 <br />Action on the communications received were as follows: <br />September 17th -- Spring Valley Company Ltd. Filed <br />September 20th -- League of California Municipalities. Filed. <br />September 28th - -Henry A. Cook. - -On motion of Councilman Madsen, seconded by <br />Councilman Amaral and with all the Councilmen in favor of same, Mr. Cook was <br />ordered to renew the insurance and the clerk was instructed to advise him to <br />that affect. <br />October 1st -- Pleasanton Grove of Druids. Filed. <br />Following the action on the communications Councilman Madsen took up the <br />water account of J. H. Munatz. He advised that during the recess discussion <br />had taken place with regards to Munatz paying a business license and that same <br />had been taken care of, and since Mr. Munatz was duly established in business <br />that he felt that.he should pay his water bill. Councilman Olesen explained <br />the situation as regards the Munatz case and the water charge being suspended <br />some months,ago since he was present a.t that time, that the Council allowed <br />it and he again assured the Council that. Mr. Ivlunatz was hardly able to <br />meet this charge but if the Council insisted upon making the charge that he <br />would assist in seeing that it was paid. <br />Councilman Madsen then explained the situation as it stands at the present <br />time and according it eras ordered that Mr. Munatz should be charged for his <br />water. <br />Councilman Madsen of the Public Utilities Committee reported *on the <br />condition of the pipe line installed at the Sewer Farm last year and to the <br />affect that the galvanized pipe was in bad shape and leaking in many places. <br />He also drew attention to the affect that if the vitrolite pipe had been installed <br />as he recommended last year instead of the galvanized pipe that the Council would <br />not be having any trouble with it at this time. He also asked that the Council <br />visit the Sewer Farm and to inspect its present condition and further that <br />either a new pipe line be secured or the present line be encased-in-concrete <br />After a discussion it was decided that the Council should meet at the Sewer <br />Farm next Sunday morning at 9 o'clock to go over the matter. Mr. Britten was <br />present and reported on the incubator and the bacteria count made recently which <br />was 150,000 less than on a previous occasion. He also stated that he had <br />expected the tank to be pumped out of ]ate date and that some of his work <br />had been postponed on that account. ae advised that new work would be started <br />toward the end of October. Mayor Orloff reported to Mr. Britten on the amount <br />of electricity consumed of recent weeks as regards the new heater installed. <br />Councilman'Olesen of the Street and Building committee took up the matter <br />of having the Western Pacific Railroad Company install a wig -wag at is crossing <br />on Rose Avenue. He advised that of recent weeks numerous complaints had been <br />received by him as regards same. Both Mayor Orloff.and Attorney Nilson reported <br />on past experiences with the Western Pacific Company with regards to installing <br />wig -wags. Following a discussion among the Councilmen the Clerk was instructed <br />to write to the Western Pacific Company with regards to putting in a wig -wag. <br />Councilman Olesen further took up the matter of drain pipes on Division and <br />Angela Streets and it was decided that since the Council was to meet on Sunday <br />morning to look over matters at the Sewer Farm that they should also consider <br />the drainage problems and it was changed so. that the Council would meet first <br />on Division Street in the vicinity of the Western Pacific depot property. <br />Mr. Olesen also spoke with regards to complaints coming in concerning the <br />Holzreiter property which to date was without curb and gutter. He stated that. <br />the Clerk advised him -that i "r. Holzreiter intended to do something before the <br />winter rains set in. Discussion among the Councilmen followed and the Clerk <br />was instructed to notify Bar. Holzreiter that he would be expected to start <br />work on the curb mind gutter prior to November 1st. <br />Councilman Rivolta of the Pinance Committee reported that according to) <br />the Clerk's report the finances of the Town were in good condition and that <br />as far as he could learn there were no large sums owing the municipality.. <br />He also brought up the matter of repair the roof on the buildings in the <br />vicinity of the Fire house but it was agreed that the work was not necessary <br />at this time. <br />The following resolutions were then presented: <br />Resolution No. 1520 -- Authorizing the payment of the salaries of the municipal <br />officers for the month of September. <br />No. 1521 -- Authorizing the Clerk to borrow from the General Fund and <br />'. transfer to the Municipal Improvement Bond Fund $193.10 and <br />to the 1929 Municipal Improvement Bond Fund $397.83. <br />No. 1522 -- Authorizing the payment of's tb oupons of interest @ $22.50 <br />on the Municipal Improvement Bond Fund and'amounting to <br />$360.00 and 30 coupons of interest Q $25.00 on the 1929 <br />Municipal Improvement Bond Fund $750.00. <br />Action on the resolutions were then taken as follows: <br />Resolution No. 1520 -- Adopted on motion ofCouncilman Madsen, seconded by Council - <br />man Olesen and with all the councilmen in favor of same. <br />if it 11 No. 1521 -- Adopted on motion of Councilman Amaral, seconded by Council- <br />