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I , <br />Councilman Madsen reported on the temporary heating apparatus being used at <br />the Sewer Farm and taking place of the oil heater installed by Mr.Hansen of Livermore. <br />Mr. Madsen reported that the latter heater had not worked out satisfactory and <br />since Mr. Hansen gl-zranteed same that he wanted authority from the Council to have <br />Mr. Hansen remove it. Mr. Britten was present and explained the matter also <br />and told of a letter he had written to Mr. Hansen recently with regards to same, <br />and .further that Mr. Hansen seemed reluctant about removing it unless he was <br />paid for his trouble. After some discussion on the matter the Clerk was instructed <br />to write Mr. Hansen that the heater had not been satisfactory and that it would <br />either have to work or that it should be taken out. Mr. Britten then reported <br />further on the incubator, the electric heater and a new meter installation. He <br />recommended that the heater be properly installed with the new meter put in and <br />that the cost of installing it properly- connected for the meter -would amount to <br />$17.50. Mr. Madsen reported that an extra water service had been discovered on <br />the Bagnasco property below Pleasanton and according a service charge -for same <br />had been ordered. <br />The following resolutions were then presented: <br />Resolution No. 1517-- Authorizag the payment of the salaries of the munb ipal officers <br />for the month of August. <br />Resolution No. 1518 -- Authorizing the cancel?ation of License No. 208 -- Joaquin A. <br />Silveria, Peddling fish $20.00, on account of discontinuing <br />deliveries. <br />Action on the resolutions were then taken as follows: <br />Resolution No. 1517 -- Adopted on motion of- Councilman Amaral, seconded by Councilman <br />Madsen and with all in favor of same. <br />Resolution No. 1518 -- Adopted on motion of Councilman Madsen, seconded by Councilman <br />Amaral and with all in,favor of same: <br />Councilman Amaral took up the matter of the appointment of a new Councilman <br />to fill the unexpired term of Randolph W. Apperson who had resigned and proposed <br />Mr. Ambrose !Rivolta. Councilman Madsen also recommended that Mr. Rivolta be <br />considered. Upon motion of Councilman Amaral seconded by Councilman Olesen and <br />with all the Councilmen in favor of same Mr. Rivolta was appointed for the unexpired <br />term. The Clerk was instructed to write Nir. Rivolta and to advise him of his*%k <br />appointed, and also to be present at the next meeting of the City Council on <br />Tuesday evening, September 11th., <br />Mr. Glassey who was present at the .meeting suggested to the Council that the <br />drinking fountain in front of the City Hall be either re- enameled or a new top <br />installed. The suggestion was favorably received by the Council and Mayor <br />Orloff assured Mr. Glassey that it would be taken care of.. Mr. Glassey also <br />suggested that a sign be installed at Scott's Corner, directing traffic to <br />Pleasanton and that the town install same. In view of the fact that this <br />spot was about seven miles distant from Pleasanton it was a question whether <br />the municipality could expend funds for such a sign and accordingly Mayor <br />Orloff assured Mr.. Glassey that while the matter would be attended to he <br />would endeavor to have some civic organization attend to it. <br />Councilman Amaral.,recommended that gas cartridges and a special police <br />club be secured for the Police, Department . Councilman Madsen also spoke in <br />favor of same and Mr.Amaral was instructed to secure same. <br />On motion of Councilman Madsen seconded b,y Councilman Amaral and with <br />all the Councilmen in favor of same, it was X14 that Edward Sil.veria be <br />paid 050.00 which was his figure for the audit of the municipal books. <br />There further business the meeting adjourned at 10:10 o'clock <br />to meet in special session on Tuesday evening September 1 hat the regular hour <br />at which time the tax rate would be set. <br />Approved.: <br />9 IA�� a��& <br />0 <br />Pleasanton, California, September 11, 1934. <br />The Town Council of the Town of Pleasanton was called to order at 8 o'clock on <br />the above written date with 14'Iayor Thomas Orloff presiding. Present at roll call were <br />Councilmen Madsen,Amaral, Olesen, Rivolta and Orloff. <br />The Clerk administered the oath of-office as Councilman to Mr. Ambrose Rivolta. <br />At the conclusion of Mr. Rivo,lta's taking the oath the Clerk made:. a few remarks <br />relative to his appointment and congratulated him upon same. Mr. Rivolta responded <br />and assured the Council that he would be pleased and willing to work with it to <br />advance the best interests of the municipality. Mayor Orloff then instructed Mr. <br />Rivolta with regards to his duties as a Councilman and to the effect that he had <br />been appointed chairman of the Finance Committee, was also fire commissioner and <br />member of the public utilities comittee and that he would be in active charge of <br />the city hall. <br />