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Mr. Britten was present and discussed a letter that he',had received from Mr. Hansen relative to the heating system at the sewer farm, and his willingness to <br />remove same. The Clerk was instructed to take the matter up with Mr. Hansen <br />and arrange with him. to come some,morning at which time the City Engineer would <br />assist him in removing the oil heater. A letter was received in connection with <br />the electric heater and its installation from the Pleasanton Electric Company <br />who submitted a figure of $4:Z.50 on same. There was no action taken, it being <br />decided to allow the present month to pass during which the work of the heater <br />would be watched as well as the power bill. Councilman Madsen reported that the' <br />electric heater had been secured from the Pleasanton Electric Company on trial. <br />Also the matter of a contract with the Pacific Gas & Electric Company on power <br />for the heater was discussed, but no further action taken. <br />Mayor Orloff then reported that it had been drawn to his attention that <br />youngsters in the community weiecoasting in McKinley-Park. The matter was ordered <br />looked into further and Chief of Police was notified that necessary action should <br />be taken to stop this. <br />The Clerk then introduced the matter of levying the tax rate for the fiscal <br />year 1934 -35, same being the purpose for which the meeting had been called. The <br />clerk presented comparative reports of previous years' expenses, balance in funds, <br />assessment roll,,division of tax rate, amounts needed for bonds and interest and <br />other figures of an important nature for consideration. After some remarks <br />concerning same by the Clerk, it was decided to reduce the tax rate to $1.48 <br />for the fiscal year. Accordingly Resolution 1519 was then pxtesented•on-motion of <br />Councilman Madsen, seconded by Councilman Amaral with all the Councilmen present <br />voting in favor of same. The resolution was as follows: <br />"Whereas the ordinances of the Town of Pleasanton in accordance with the btate Law <br />require that the Town Council of Pleasanton meet on the second Monday of September <br />of each year and at that time fix the rate for, town taxes, designating the number <br />of cents on each one hundred. dollars of assessed valuation levied for each fund, and <br />must then levy the town taxes upon the taxable property in town; I <br />"NO7, THE1REFORE9 be it resolved by the Town Council of,Pleasanton, in session on <br />the evening of September'llth,'1934 (that being the next day following the second. <br />Monday of September, which this year was 'a holiday) do hereby fix and declare the <br />rate for taxes for the various funds of the Town of Pleasanton for the year 1934 -35, <br />as follows :" <br />"The sum of Eighty -five (85) cents on each one hundred dollars of assessed <br />valuation to be levied against all taxable property in the Town of Pleasanton, to be <br />placed in the General Fund;" <br />"The sum of Five (5) cents on each one hundred dollars of assessed valuation of <br />all taxable property in the Town of Pleasanton to be placed in the Mater Bond <br />Redemption Fund;" <br />"The sum of Twenty -four (24) cents on each one-hundred dollars of assessed <br />valuation of all taxable property in the Town of Pleasanton to be placed in the <br />Municipal Improvement Bond Redemption Fund;" <br />"The sum of Thirty -four (34) cents on each one hundred dollars of assessed <br />valuation on all taxable property in the Town of Pleasanton, to be placed in the <br />1929 Municipal Improvement Bond Redemption Fund;" <br />"Making a total tax rate for the Town of Pleasanton of One Dollar and Forty -eight <br />cents on each one hundred dollars of assessed valuation of all taxable property." <br />"And be it further resolved that the tax collector be and he is hereby empowered <br />and directed to collect taxes for the Town of Pleasanton at the rates for the Town <br />of Pleasanton at the rates set forth herein and in the manner and at the times <br />provided by law." <br />Councilman Amaral discussed the installation of street signs and especially <br />recommended the stenciling on the curb of the street name. Councilman Madsen <br />further recommended that the house number be included, same to be placed directly <br />in front of t.hehouse and in a different shade of paint. The matter was taken under <br />advisement. <br />Mr. Letham was present in the audience and spoke with regards to electric <br />wires at McKinley Park and he mentioned that the present lighting system needed <br />fixing and in view of the fact that numerous barbecues were being slated for <br />future weeks that same be attended tooat an early date. The work was ordered. <br />Mr. Rodrigues regported to the Council that he had been able to secure the necessary <br />wiring without cost to the'municipality. <br />The Mayor reported at the meeting that the Shrine Club of Alameda County had <br />requested the use ofthe park for the middle of September and that the Alameda Lodge <br />of Elks desired same for September 29th. Mr. Amaral, on behalf of the Alameda Lodge <br />of Elks,invited the members of the Council to be present at the barbecue. <br />Mr. Britten again asked privileged of addressing the council and reported that <br />the bacteria count.had been "made on September 1st and again on September 7th at which <br />time he had noted a 500,000 decrease. He also reported that he intended to make another <br />