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OCT 1933 TO MAY 1946
City of Pleasanton
DEC 1923 TO MAY 1954
OCT 1933 TO MAY 1946
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109 <br />Mr. P. Brennan, speaking for the Castro Valley Lumber Company, appeared before <br />the Council relative to property on Division Street formerly owned by E. Terrill <br />and now being acquired by his company and stated that his company objected to the <br />dumping of rubbish etc. in the cave -off on the street, and also reporting that <br />the wire retainer etc. was in bad shape. He further advised that the rubbish <br />now being dumped along the retaining wall was going into the gravel of his'company. <br />He asked that the matter be investigated and a suitable retain <ing,,be put in. <br />Councilman.Madsen discussed the matter too, as regards its present condition. <br />Councilman Olesen spoke with regards to the cables of the Castro Valley Lumber <br />Company on the torn posts and its affect on the bank. The•matter was ordered <br />looked into. <br />At the request of the Clerk, ,Mr.. Saunders, Livermore b'Ianager of the Pacific <br />Gas & Electric Company appeared before the Council relative to rates on the <br />electric heater at the Sewer Farm. Mr...- .Saunders explained the rate ein char -ed <br />under P -1 Schedule and the rate that would••be charged under Heating tchegule b <br />C-1. He recommended that the latter be considered and that there would be a <br />considerable saving to the town. Also he advised that s separate meter instal Dion <br />together with switch and special. meter loop- would be needed and that after this <br />was installed that his company would set a meter. He also advised that.'in order <br />to put in this special meter that a_--year's contract would have to be signed by <br />the municipality and that same would be $36.00 per year with the accumulative, <br />rate feature or a minimum of $3.00 per month. <br />Mr. Edward Silveria presented the annual report that he <br />municipal'books. At the conclusion of his reading on motion <br />seconded by Councilman Madsen and with all the Councilmen in <br />report was accepted as read. <br />A recess followed during which the finance ,committee exo <br />96 to 140 inclusive and amounting to $611.61, as well as the <br />reports. <br />had made of the <br />of Councilman Olesen <br />favor of same the <br />,mined Claims No. <br />officers' monthly <br />Following the recess after which the meeting had been called to order again, <br />Councilman h'Iadsen of the finance committee, reported that the committee had <br />approved Claims No. 140 inclusive and amounting to $611.61. On his motion <br />.seconded by Councilman Olesen, and with all the Councilmen present voting in <br />favor of same, the claims were ordered paid. Councilman Madsen then reported <br />that the finance committee had approved the officers' monthly reports and he <br />made a motion that they be placed on file. There being no objections they <br />were ordered filed. <br />Action on the communications received was as. follows: <br />August 22nd- -John 5keggs, Division of Highways Filed. <br />August 25th -- Letter from the family of the late Henry Reimers - Filed. <br />August 31st -- League of California Municipalities - Filed. <br />August 31st -- Ashton Britten Filed. <br />August 15th- -The resignation of Mr. Apperson was then taken up. On motion of <br />Councilman Madsen seconded by Councilman Olesen and with all the <br />Councilmen present in favor of same the resignation of Pair. Randolph <br />W. Apperson was accepted with regrets. The Clerk was instructed <br />to write a letter of appreciation to Mr. Apperson in behalf of his <br />work for the municipality and also to explain the regrets of the <br />Council at his having to leave the community and especially as a <br />member of the City Council <br />The petition of further lights on Pleasanton Avenue was taken up. Various <br />discussions took place concerning same with the Council rather divided on the <br />matter of installing further lights feeling that if same was granted that further <br />requests would be received from other sections of the town. Mayor Orloff <br />announced that he would look into the matter and report back to the Council and <br />Mr. Olesen was advised to do likewise and accordingly action was deferred. <br />The Clerk took up the matter of Winery License "for bottling purposes only" <br />for James George, corner of Main. and Angela Streets. He reported that he-looked <br />into the-matter and that he had been able to ascertain that-the license as issued <br />was in accordance with the regulations of the State B6'ard'6f Equalization and <br />according the, City Council advised him to notify the State Board of Equalization <br />that it had no objections to same. <br />Councilman Amaral. spoke with regards to licenses for the local gravel pits <br />etc. which he had been advised concerning them and which the Clerk and Marshal <br />had been notified of. <br />Councilman Olesen took up the matter of the avenue 4eading from St. Johns <br />Street to the Arroyo Del Valle Creek and which is presently being used for the <br />hauling of gravel for the Pickard pit. He mentioned the amount of dust which <br />had been accumulated and the protests from neighboring property owners and <br />how he had instructed•Mr. Rodrigues to water the road with town equipment and <br />from town mains. He said that he did not feel that this should continue any <br />firth r at the town's expense and accordingly he wished some action with regards <br />to same. The Jerk was instructed. to take care of the matter by writing to <br />Mr. Pickard andlinforming him that in case the lane was to be used extensively <br />in the future that he should take care of same. <br />
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