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1059 <br />A recess followed during which the finance committee examined Claims''No. 1 <br />to 43 inclusive and amounting to $682.73, as well as the officers' monthly, <br />reports. <br />Following the recess after which the meeting had been called to cr der again <br />Councilman Apperson of the finance committee, reported that the committee had <br />approved Claims i4o. 1 to 43 inclusive and amounting to $682.73. On his motion <br />seconded by Councilman Madsen, and with all the Councilmen present voting in <br />favor of same, the claims were ordered- paid. Councilman Apperson then reported <br />that the finance committee had approved the officers' monthly reports and he <br />made a motion that they be placed on file. There being no objections they <br />were ordered filed. <br />Actions on the communications received were then taken as follcus: <br />June 14th -- George S. Tonney-- Filed. <br />June 15th -- California Congress of Parents aryl Teachers -- filed. <br />June Council of Alameda County -- Councilman Madsen inquired with <br />regards to installing a short wave radio in Mr. Delucchi's car. fir. <br />Delucchi advised that with the present telephone system and alarm <br />system, that same would be sufficient for the present and that a <br />short wave radio would not be practical at the present. <br />June 16th, the communication of Householder & Synder, National Audit & System <br />Co., June 25th and the telegram of Edward Silveria, July _2nd, all <br />pertaining to the annual audit of the municipal books were then <br />considered. Councilman Apperson recommended that in view of fact <br />that Mr. Silveria had conducted the past two audits in a satisfactory <br />way, that he be permitted to take care of the work this year again. <br />Favorable discussion then followed after which on motion of Council- <br />man Apperson seconded by Councilman Amaral, Mr. Silveria was nacred <br />to do the work and the clerk was advised to instruct fir. Silveria <br />to that effect. It was also understood that the work should pro gress <br />after the latter part of July and to be completed sometime in August. <br />The Clerk was further instructed to answer the communications of <br />Householder & Synder and the National Audit & System Company. <br />June 26th -- Southern California League of Yiunicipalities -- Councilman Madsen spoke <br />in behalf of supporting the measure and of the increased bem fits <br />which would be derived tj the municipality should further funds be <br />allocated to the municipality through a change being madZ�n tie <br />percentage of funds to be allocated should the init iat iv e„ carry, <br />The other Councilmen expressed a willingness to support the rm asuze <br />and to assist in circulating petitions in the community and the <br />Clerk was instructed to write to the League and to secure the <br />necessary petitions. <br />Councilman Amaral of the Laws and Judiciary Committee took up the matter <br />of the recent Holy Ghost Celebration held in Pleasanton and the matter of <br />licenses, having been queried early in the evening with regards'to same. <br />After some discussion it was understood with Mr. Amaral that the I.D.E.S. <br />Lodge should pay $15.00 for the Ferris Wheel permit and $10.00 for two <br />dance permits. Mr. Amaral also advised the Council that Chief of Police <br />Delucchi had been allowed a vacation and that he would be leaving the <br />municipality on the evening of Saturday,.July 7th and would return to <br />his duties on Monday, July 16th. He also advised that arrangements had been <br />made for someone to take his place. <br />Councilman Olesenof the Street and Building Committee reported w1h regards <br />to a meeting which the `1ayor, Clerk and he had had with Mr. Nelson of the State <br />-Highway Commission regarding work on St. Marys Street and the necessity of <br />present�'ng the projections to the commission with regards to allowing further <br />funds fo accumulate for street purposes. He told the Council of the advice. <br />given by Mr. Nelson at the session held with him and that the Clerk had <br />forwarded the necessary projects since the meeting to the commission. He also <br />reported that the burning of grass within the city limits had been well taken <br />care of. He further reported that the Clerk had secured information from <br />Edward H'olzreiter that the work along his property on Pleasanton Avenue would <br />be taken care. of within the next couple of months. Mr. Olesen also spoke wi th <br />regards to culverts on Division Street and conditions there during the rainy <br />season and recommended at this time something should be done to benefit natters. <br />Superintendent of Streets Rodrigues explained what had been done and 4AW^ 4" <br />peab&ww could be0 through the installation of large drainage pipes - <br />after which there was-a discussion among the Councilmembers. Mayor Orlo.ff <br />requested that Councilman Olesen look into the matter of the drainage situation <br />on St. Marys Street as well as Division.Street.' Councilman Olesen advised the <br />Council that Mrs. Fred Hall desired to remove the gum trees in front of her <br />property on Neal Street at her own expense and that she intended to plant <br />other trees after tienrees had been taken out. There were no' ob j ec t ions from <br />the Councilmen* to the removing of these trees providing she planted other tie es. <br />Councilman Apperson of the finance committee had no report to make. <br />Councilman Madsen of the Public Utilities Committee reported on the med:ting <br />which the City Council had held at the sewer farm on the_morniag of June 17th <br />with Mr. Britten. Mr. Britten was present and following Mr. Madsen's discussion <br />of this matter, he took up the matter of securing a pump of the type which he <br />had discussed with the Councilmen when i.t meet with him at the sewer farm and-4 <br />recommended that same be secured. He further leported on conditions there of <br />