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1088 <br />Town Clerk: -- Showing that he had delivered to the Marshal 1 license for collection <br />amounting to $12.00 and 448 water bills for collection amounting to ?1108.95. Report <br />showed'that the Treasurer had on hand at the time of last report $6569.33 and since <br />then collections have been made: Licenses from Marshal $172.00;.Taxe's from Marshal <br />$67.29; Water bills from T:Iarshal $891.10; 14Iilk Inspection Pees $34.46; Fees from <br />Recorder's Court $65.00; From Town Clerk: Personal Property Taxes $58.32, State of <br />California license refund 6503.98, total 8361.48, less amount of warrants issued <br />June 4, 1934.$1616.59., leaving a cash balance in the hands of the Treasurer of <br />$6744.89. This was divided as follows :General Fund $5408.74; Water Bond Fund $906.60; <br />Town Hall Bond Fund $3.66; Water Deposit Fund $42.50. 1929 Municipal Improvement <br />Bond Fund $297.78; Municipal Improvement Bond Fund 612 8.11. <br />Superintendent of Streets: -'-= Showing that work on streets had amounted to '$84.00 during <br />the month of June, 1934. <br />Town Marshal : -- Showing that he had received water 'bills from the Clerk amounting to <br />1108.95; that he collected water bills amounting to $891.10 and that' he had returned <br />water'Ibills amounting 'to 217.85. He also collected licenses amounting to $172.00 <br />as follows: 8 licenses C'-022.00-496.00; 1 license � $16.00 -- $16.00; 1 license @ $60.00 <br />$60.00. He also collected milk inspection fees amounting to $34.46 and Taxes amounting <br />to $67.29. <br />Treasurer: =- Showing that the Water Deposit Fund had $42.50 per last report, and that <br />'2.50 had been received during the month, making a total of $45.00, less $2.50 paid <br />out, leaving $42.50, in the Special Water Deposit Fund. Also showing that he had cash <br />on hand at last report of $6569.33 and since then collections had amounted to <br />$1792.15 and that payment of town warrants had amounted to. $1616.59, leaving a cash <br />balance in the hands of the Treasurer of $6744.89. <br />City Judge: -- Showing that $65.00 had been•collected in fines during the month of <br />June, 1934. <br />Fire Chief: -- Report of the activities of the Department for the month of June, 1934. <br />Idilk':Inspecctor: -- Report of Laboratory Analyses, of Milk Samples of June, 1934. <br />Building Inspector: -- Showing that one electrical permit had been granted daring the <br />month and two building permits granted. <br />The reports were referred to the finance committee far examination and report. <br />The following communications were then read by the Clerk: <br />June 14th -- George S. Tonney -- advising the City 8ouncil that he Was presently occupied <br />as a resident engineer inspector with .the. Public Administration Works <br />in Los Angeles and would probably be tin re from nine to fourteen months. <br />June 15th -- California Congress of Parents and Teachers Sixteenth District enclosirg <br />copy of resolution passed at the convention of the Sixteenth District <br />California Congress of Parents and Teachers relative to increasing the <br />appropriation throughout the State of California for library'service. <br />June 15th -- Anti - racket Council of Alameda County advising with regards to; azesolution <br />passed by the Executive Board of the Council recommending that the budget <br />of the Council and of each municipality therein for the fiscal year 1934 -35 <br />include provisions for adequate equipment of the sheriff's office aryl <br />the respective police departments etc. <br />July 16th -- Householder & Synder -- presenting bid of $100.00 for the audit of books <br />and accounts of the Town of Pleasanton for the fiscal year and also an <br />audit specification. <br />June 25th -- Lester 0. Wisler of the National Audit & System Co. regarding coming to <br />Pleasanton on July 16th to meet with the Council and to explain.a <br />recommended bookkeeping set for the municipality.. <br />June 26th--Southern California League of Municipalities.relative to initiative <br />measure to be submitted to the people of California at the November <br />6th election for the allocation of the gasoline tax and. ale o designating <br />the week of July 9th as Petition Week and requesting the City officials <br />of the various cities to undertake the task of securing 150,000 signers <br />necessary to place the inititative measure before the electors. <br />July 2nd -- Edward Silveria presenting bid of $50.00 for a complete audit of the <br />municipal. •beco-rds for the fiscal year, said report to be submitted, in <br />August. <br />The Clerk presented a notification from the State Board of Equalization to <br />the effect that Frank Viada, 560 Idain Street, had been granted a 'Wholesale <br />Dealers License" for beer and wine. There being no objections from the Council <br />to the license being granted, the clerk was instructed to advise the State Board <br />of Equalization to that effect. <br />The Clerk then introduced Mr. Leist of the firm Householder & Synder in Oakland <br />who personally presented the request from his firm to be allowed to audit the <br />municipal books. The Mayor quiered the Councilmen with regards to whether they <br />had any questions to ask Mr. Leist. There being none the Mayor advised him that <br />the bid of his firm would be given consideration later in the evening, after which <br />Mr. Leist withdrew from the meeting.. . <br />